This article is from the public number:depth line (ID:depthpaper), of: Li Yuan, Guo Jing Ting, from FIG title: Oriental IC

Now, Haidian mother, Chaoyang mother, Shunyi mother… all kinds of mothers, what are they? The answer is an exam that is very exciting when you sign up.

In April this year, the “National Competition for Primary and Secondary School Students in 2019” released by the official website of the Ministry of Education was released. The list of primary school Olympics and the China Cup was not seen in the list. The “Old Track” was closed, and the “New Track” represented by the Cambridge General Level 5 (MSE) and the American Mathematical Major League Cup appeared. Under the pressure of Xiaoshengchu, how do children stand out and parents who have chosen school psychology have found their way.

At one time, the KET/PET grade test (MSE entry level and junior exam), which was once unattended, became the target of primary school parents. On the other hand, due to the revision of the MSE exam in 2020, and starting from the second half of this year, no longer accept the agency registration, candidates must be unified through online declaration, under the chain reaction, September 5 registration day, Beishangguang and other popular test areas Some of the Beijing-based candidates chose to leave for Beijing to take the exam, and some Cantonese candidates chose to go to Hong Kong for examination.

This Cambridge English KET/PET exam, which has a tendency to surpass the Olympics, comes from the wind. Is this legendary rule that measures the English level of students used for Xiaoshengchu? Behind this madness, many people can’t help but ask, what is KET/PET? What forces are driving the countless parents? What can I get with a KET/PET certificate?

offseason test

On September 5th at 10:00 am, the registration of the KET and PET grades of the Cambridge General English CET Test, which is scheduled to be added in December, officially begins. It is the last one before the revision of the KET and PET exams.