Attractive people have their own value system

Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account Chaos University (ID: hundun-university), author Yang Tianzhen.

Many people’s achievements are not because of his special long-term advantages, but because of that shortcoming, he is constantly driving him to do certain things. ——Yang Tianzhen Founder and CEO of Xinxin Entertainment

What I am talking about today is the logic of the bottom layer. It is the simplest and most core thing that I have distilled after I have worked for so many years. I hope I can help you.

Yang Tianzhen, founder and CEO of China’s largest brokerage company, is one of the most influential brokers in China. He has created a personal brand marketing methodology and a crisis public relations processing methodology. The partners co-founded Xinxin Entertainment and opened up a new model of Chinese brokerage customization services.

Build a personal brand to enhance your own competitiveness

What is the use of personal branding? Many people have ignored it.

For example, today our company is going to sign an artist again. I can get trust faster than others, because you have countless success stories to endorse your brand.

This is actually the brand effect. Therefore, if you want to improve your competitiveness, you must have a personal brand awareness.

Yang Tianzhen: Your achievement may be

Personal brands will help you build awareness. For example, Jackie Chan’s label is “China”, so he will wear Tang suit, tunic suit and so on in various international activities.

So, how do you understand your personal brand? There are two keywords, personal + brand.

First of all, you need to fully understand “people” and understand people’s shortcomings and characteristics.

Simply, most people are stuck in the following three problems, but they don’t know it:

1 point is unclear things and emotions. When many things come, we will first generate emotions, then use emotions to make decisions, rather than making decisions based on the things themselves.

2 points are unclear targets and means. When the starting pointWhen it is correct, we will feel that everything is right, but it is not.

3 points are unclear self and feedback. Whether this thing is what you want, or whether others encourage you or others expect what you want, you are not sure.

Of course, people also have characteristics, such as:

1Real. People are not a created brand, but an individual living alive, unable to make long-term fraud, or playing a person in life for a long time;

2 Rich. Everyone may have mixed up a lot of conflicting things, which is contradictory;

3Changeable. Every stage of life growth is different, the brand can last for a long time, but people will change because of the things they encounter and the people.

Now, understand the shortcomings and characteristics of people, then, let’s look at what the brand is.

The brand will be more stable (long-term), visibility (widely advertised) and credibility (credit endorsement) than individuals. For example, when you walk into the supermarket, you will definitely choose the brand you know.

The above is the complete meaning of the individual + brand, only fully understood, you can grasp the next step well –

Implement marketingBring true attention, traffic, and conversions

Marketing is hype? Is it constantly spending money?

I don’t agree.

Real marketing is actually a process: intercepting your personal characteristics, then selecting the appropriate medium to serve to the public.

When many people do marketing programs, they think that I want to blow, I have to be effective, I want to have a sensation, can be made by marketing, but it has not changed, why? I didn’t find the right people to deliver, and I didn’t give the content to those who really wanted to see it.

The essence of marketing, as Li said, is that means to meet the needs of the other party and achieve their goals.

So, to do a good job in marketing, you must coordinate the relationship between personal brand, media and the public, in order to truly bring attention, flow and conversion to your personal brand.

Yang Tianzhen: Your achievement may be

Next, we will focus on two important aspects of the media and the public:

Edit Media:

Yang Tianzhen: Your achievement may be

Online media is mobile space, offline media is static space, and each platform has different properties. When doing content distribution, if you put the same content on all platforms, it is actually invalid. Because there is feedback on this platform, it may not be useful on another platform.

For example, Mr. Bao is a very famous WeChat public account, specializing in buying packages, and WeChat articles are 100,000+. Mr. Bao is also a good friend of mine, but when he promoted Xiaohongshu, he did not go well at the beginning. Why is his content very hot on WeChat but not on Xiaohongshu? He is slowly adjusting himself.

So, I think that the so-called IP does not have a broad meaning. IP must be specific to a certain context space. To create a new content that fits the new platform, this IP can be made stronger.


Only by grasping the common problems of public psychology, we can know more clearly what content to create and maximize benefits.

In general, the general public has the following psychological characteristics:

Best and averse

Why do these people hate me, think about it, why some people like you, right? In fact, it is the same reason.

Yang Tianzhen: Your achievement may be

For example, this is a set of pictures of Ouyang Nana. Fans may feel beautiful, but black powder will feel ugly.

So, we need to deeply understand the likes and dislikes, and we must think about it. What kind of people do we want to be, and what kind of people are annoying, and then do this? Things will be fine.

Because it is impossible to reach a consensus with someone who likes you and hates you.

It’s hard to adjust

Look at the picture below. Think about it. Why do the audiences with high ratings generally not necessarily have high audiences? Difficult to reach.

Yang Tianzhen: Your achievement may be

If we are a niche product, we must control the word of mouth. Be sure to let those who are most likely to like this product look at it first, use it first, experience it first, then Entering the mass market, it is possible to win a chance.


The public is very lazy. They are used to doing the first reaction according to the instinct and the causal relationship between the shortest amount of information. This is a stereotype. For example, today, when I saw a very fat person, the first reaction of the public was that he was unhealthy.

So, the key response word that you give to the most externalization is very important and directly determines the public’s conclusion.

5Steps to achieve personal brandAdvanced is a truly attractive person

Next, to achieve complete personal brand management, specifically, what should be done? The following are the complete steps, as follows:

Yang Tianzhen: Your achievement may be

1,Exact targeting

What is precise positioning? Just to fully understand yourself. Most of the failures in personal brand marketing are mostly due to this.

For example, I usually interview a person for half an hour. When the interview reaches the 10th minute, I usually ask the same question. What do you think is your greatest strength? If the person said the merits, and I had a disagreement with his merits after 10 minutes of talking with him, I might not use him. Because I think this person, either do not understand themselves, or do not dare to express their own advantages.

For example, I have interviewed a long, very handsome boy, and then I asked him what is the biggest advantage? He said that he was diligent and I did not hire him. Because I think your greatest strength is that you are handsome, you need to know this clearly and use it in your work.

Why? Because hard work is something I can’t understand through the interview. You must use the advantage that can be perceived in the shortest time as a personal position.

Targeting is not equal to people