This undoubtedly opens the door for developers to interact with users.

Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Xia program observation” (ID: Yinghoo-tech), author of Miss Bean, authorized to reprint.

A very useful ability seems to be testing in grayscale.

Burst: The public number can directly push the applet to the user

A developer sent this screenshot to yinghoo-tech. As shown in the figure, the public number can directly push the applet card to the fans in the dialog box!

The public number and the small program have always been like twins. They are the star products in the WeChat ecosystem. The two are inextricably linked: the birth of the small program frees the public cash potential. Promoting the development of content e-commerce, the public number provides small programs with the ability to precipitate users and the expansion of content forms.

Therefore, the linkage between the two has always been the focus of the industry.

In fact, the ability of the public to issue small program cards to users has been highly anticipated by the industry. Now it is finally a long-awaited start. Although it may be a gray test, it still belongs to the state of being half-covered, but it is inevitable. The hearts of thousands of developers and public operators have been dialed.

However, it is worth noting that the current capability seems to be only tested in the service number. The subscription number has not yet been discovered. It is not known whether it is the exclusive service number.

Small program entry in the fourth public number

Before this, there were three small program entries in the public number:

  • Insert applet cards in the article;

  • Menu bar on the main page of the public number;

  • Public number ad landing page is set to small program.

Burst: The public number can directly push the user to the program

The first entry is the just-needed content e-commerce, and the combination of the article + applet card has become a must for all content e-commerce players; the second entry requires the user to actively click on the menu bar to reach the applet; the third It is the advertiser who delivers through the wide-opening and sets the landing page as a small program.

Among the three portals, the menu bar relies entirely on the user’s interest in the service of the public number. The user clicks into the small program, and the advertisement mainly generates value for the advertiser, and has little relationship with the operator of the public number.

It can therefore be said that only the first one is the way the public operator takes the initiative to reach the small program. But nowadays, as the opening rate of the public article is getting lower and lower, many public operator operators are more eager to take the initiative to recommend small programs to users.

The function of pushing the applet card in the public number dialog box is much shorter than the embedding of the small program card in the article: the article + applet, the user needs to open the public number, click on the article, read and browse, Click on the applet for a total of four steps, and opening the applet in the dialog box only requires two steps of opening the public number and clicking on the applet.

However, although the user operation is simpler, if the user is not given a good reason to open the applet, it is invalid.

According to the experience of yinghoo-tech, if you want to use this new function, developers and operators need to pay attention to two points:

1. The copy should be clear

For the user, the top copy of the applet is equivalent to the title and notes of the article. If the copy is not attractive, there is no motivation to click.

Rui Xun coffee made a good demonstration, directly reminding the user that there is a 50% discount coupon, the information transmission is very clear, and the coupon is used to “seduce” the user to open the small program immediately.

2. The content of the image is eye-catching

The copy is equivalent to the title and notes, then the picture is equivalent to the head of the article. In fact, for small program cards, the importance of the picture may be even higher than the copy, because the picture display area is larger and more eye-catching.

Ru Rui Xing coffee, the card is white, the “Little Blue Cup Coupon” is made of blue, the small blue cup is the brand, the coupon is the service “signal”, so that the user can confirm this small program at a glance. The focus of the card – Rui Xing to send coupons.

In the final analysis, whether it is a copy or a picture, the principle of letting users quickly understand what the services they provide is upheld. You know, in 2019, the number of public numbers exceeded 20 million, and its opening rate dropped from 5% to 2%. I want users to pick up your little program in a bunch of public numbers. Simple and straightforward is the best. Method.

Small programs are becoming more “active”?

You can see that WeChat is getting more and more attentionThe needs of the operators and developers.

The value of WeChat has always been the user experience first. In order to prevent users from being over-harassed, WeChat has not released too much ability for developers to reach users.

Because of this, the emergence of template messages has excited the developers in the entire ecosystem, but in order to avoid the abuse of template messages, WeChat has developed very detailed rules of use and strictly enforced them. One vote is a standard.

Jia Wanxing, the founder of “Little Bag Ma Ma” even told us that “I don’t dare to use this function, because the rules are too thin, I am afraid that I will touch it if I accidentally.”

As developers became more familiar with template message rules and their use became more mature, last month, WeChat upgraded the template messaging capabilities to “subscribe messages” to support one-time and long-term subscription messages. Subscription messages are actively subscribed by users, not only for an unlimited period of time, but also provide long-term subscriptions for some scenarios to achieve efficient message access. We have done a detailed interpretation, click to read.

This undoubtedly opens the door for developers to interact with users.

Combined with the ability to send small program cards in this public number dialog box, it is conceivable that WeChat will release and upgrade more capabilities to meet the needs of developers without affecting the user experience. User needs.

Remember that when the version of the small program on the main page of the program was exposed in August this year, WeChat responded: the new small program entry, the first is to improve efficiency, to provide users with faster access to small programs, second It is to help users discover interesting little programs that have not been noticed before.

Among them, “improving efficiency” and “fun” are key words.

The ability to send small programs under the “Subscription Message” and Public Number dialog boxes is on the side of “improving efficiency”. Next, in terms of “fun”, WeChat will release some capabilities, which is a bit of a look.