This article is from the public number:Epoch Story Gallery (ID:epochstory2017) author: Chen mochi, title figure from: Oriental IC


She said that “because I don’t have money to live double eleven”, it is more real than many others.

Auntie lived in a boudoir in Hong Kong. It’s really a good pigeon cage. It’s difficult to turn around, but it’s still stuffed with stuff. She describes herself as “the sky is also clothes, and the clothes are also on the ground”. “Heaven” refers to washed, hanged clothes; “ground” refers to those dirty clothes piled in woven bags on the ground – this space can not even accommodate a wardrobe. A good friend went to Hong Kong to find her to play. She didn’t want friends to enter the house. “I don’t want others to think that a girl in her twenties who has a normal job lives in such a place.”

The same as her room can not show people and her huge economic pressure, although occasionally crying in the office, but colleagues do not believe: “Look at the clothes you wear every day are different, how can you be poor?”

She really likes to buy things. She has been studying in Hong Kong for several years, and Taobao has never faded from her life. Every year, she participated in the double eleventh. She bought a coat last year. Although there is a store of that brand downstairs, the discount on the double eleven is still more powerful. She would rather go to Shenzhen to take the express. In fact, going to Shenzhen to take the express delivery is also her routine every month.

People are in a foreign land, and some are when they are lonely. Some time last year, she was laid off by the company, found a mouse in the residence, and found a job repeatedly. All the frustrations are added together. Buying is a good medicine to ease the mood. When you buy it, you can buy a lot: the lipstick is close to 100, and the eyeshadow is ten. A few plates were piled up in the drawer, even though she didn’t wear makeup at all; the clothes overflowed in the room and still had to be bought. In the moment when the material desire is satisfied, dopamine emits a short fireworks in the brain.

Not only is material desire, she also has a strong spiritual pursuit. This year, she flew to South Korea to chase stars, watched four or five concerts that like singers, liked the drama and spent 5,000 to chase five games, and did not miss any of the festivals orThe library is shown. These dream moments have made the hope of living in the boudoir look forward to the starry sky, but in the era of consumption has become a huge bill. “I want to be rich in both material and spiritual, and I get double poverty.”

Every month’s credit card and flower receipts arrive, and she sweeps the amount and immediately chooses the installment – ​​she doesn’t dare to look at it. One month, I didn’t dare to look at the snowballs that had accumulated and finally rolled into a big one. On the most embarrassing day, she couldn’t pay the monthly phone bill because the amount of the flower bed had been used up, and she was on the cash card. Less than one hundred left.

“At that time, I suddenly felt that if I continued this way, I might not be able to complete my card debt for the rest of my life.” She opened her own flower bill in the office while she was forced to work overtime but did nothing. And carefully detail the expenditures. “I have a friend who later ridiculed me, she said that I did not expect you to dare to check this account.”

Most of the expenses on the bill made her confused. “I don’t remember what I bought.” But some of the money is clear. For example, in the first 100 days of the day, it is the cost of taking a taxi to work. Aunt said that taking a taxi to work is not faster than the subway, but the habits developed during the taxi software activities did not end with the end of the event. The ease and enjoyment that has been enjoyed is a gentle trap even if it is as small as a taxi to work.

But she didn’t even think about asking her at home when the mountain was running out. The family has been persuading her to return to the mainland for development. She insisted on staying in Hong Kong. She was more and more afraid to let her family know that she was living on the edge of losing control. “I feel like I lost.”

So you can only make pressure to make changes yourself. She tried to compress the expenses of life. The drinks that I used to drink after work every day were cut down first. The ten or twenty small money was most easily inexplicably spent, and finally became a big one. In the celebration activities, she never went shopping again; Aidou recently had an activity. Every morning, she blinked her first thought, which was to remind herself that she really couldn’t afford it, in order to suppress the desire to order wine. In the first month of the change, she saved 2,000 yuan; in the second month, she saved 5,000.