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Warcraft is in the right place

Zeng remember no, the sentence “Jia Junpeng, your mother called you home to eat!”

At 10:58 on July 16, 2009, a netizen who was rumored to be called “Jia Junpeng” by thousands of netizens suddenly became popular in just a few hours.

Many netizens know in Baidu, Sina loves to ask for the “Jia Junpeng” people, and many netizens join the spoof queue to form an unusually large “Jia Junpeng family.”

In the back of this network carnival, it shows the huge size of the “Warcraft generation” player group, it is difficult to cover the deep loneliness of hundreds of millions of netizens.

The reason for this is that both World of Warcraft has been delayed, but more is due to the emptiness and loneliness of the inner life of contemporary netizens. “The brother is not a post, it is lonely!”

The World of Warcraft was launched in 2004. As the premier MMORPG game, it has ushered in countless highlights, exquisite images, epic plots, and magnificent worldviews. It has attracted countless players to explore this new brand. world.

At that time, the main players were mainly college students and young people who had just entered the workplace. Because of the high fever, they also triggered the social public opinion at the time, and labeled World of Warcraft players as “Internet addiction teenagers” and “smashed generation”. And so on.

Looking at the present after fifteen years

But history has once again proved that being looked down upon by the previous generation and ultimately succeeding in counterattack is a sign of progress in the times!

Today, “Jia Junpeng” is no longer lonely, he may have become a family, may have become a successful person, may have begun to call his son to go home to eat –

“Jia Junpeng, your wife called you to go home to eat”, “Jia Junpeng, your boss called you back to work overtime”, or “Jia Junpeng, your fans called you back to the circle of friends”…

Today, “Warcraft Generation” (post-80s and after 70s) has long been labeled as “backbone” and “cooperation” in the workplace. , “have experience” and other labels.

This journey is quite similar to the experience of the Americans in the 1960s. The original rebels are now CEOs of popular companies such as Apple’s Steve Jobs and Virgin’s Richard Branson.

When the “Warcraft generation” became the backbone of today’s workplace, the rebels are now the object of rebellion – sorry, the world is like this replacement, and there are talents to go out.

Similarly, the growth of “World of Warcraft” has made the “World of Warcraft” nostalgic clothing become a place where the dragon and the tiger are lying. Those comrades who fight side by side with you may be the pillars of society.

Yao Ming once admitted that when the pressure is huge and the challenge comes, he will choose to use the game Warcraft to decompression. Because in this world, he can hide his superstar’s identity, free from any outside constraints, let himself gallop.

Yao Ming’s idea coincides with many current World of Warcraft players. Having a world more than others is also a pride of Warcraft players.

How can a person who accuses World of Warcraft players think that games are a form of communication?A generation of people enter the role of the social experience process.

In the interaction between people and people, TEAMWORK team cooperates and exchanges feelings. In the whole server, all the players seem to form a miniature society, in which people have completed “socialization” and grown up.

Who said that the game does not train people or train people? Who said the game does not spread the mainstream cultural value? World of Warcraft is proof.

Hu Ge once broke the news that he played the role of thieves. It is said that Liu Wei’s favorite game in World of Warcraft is a thief. There are rumors that Nicholas Tse had formed a “death squad alliance” with a group of friends in the circle, vowing to restore the order of World of Warcraft.

The game family dispels the loneliness of the one-child generation, the cultivation of team spirit, and the joy of cooperation. All of these have found the answer in the process of playing World of Warcraft.

“World of Warcraft” nostalgia is the way when online games are formed. Focusing on socialization and exploration is an era of no-game fast-food pollution, so it is more like our world today.

In the game, the team is TEAM, which is closely related to people’s future life and work. World of Warcraft once became a phenomenal national game because it was deeply embedded in the lives and work of the new generation.

When the game world shines into reality, it gradually changes the stereotypes of the gameplay.

The prevalence of a game, behind the phenomenal level, must have some kind of social trend.

“World of Warcraft” as a phenomenal national game, its success must be rooted in deep reality, manifested as a proposition, a spirit, a value –

As one commenter said, “Electronic products, whether computers, mobile phones or other tools, are essentially tools for people to come into contact with the world.” This tool has also changed a generation more deeply. Generation of new humans.

The last quote from a netizen in the memoirs of Warcraft:

We are enjoying the sense of belonging to this game, the feelings of the brothers of the guild, and the sustenance of our tiredness in reality! We love this game. People are changing, the world is changing, and our feelings about Warcraft have not changed. We can’t let go of this relationship. We can’t forget the blood of that time. It is the thought that we are wearing a top-grade equipment but still can’t leave in the novice village! There are too many games now, so much we just want to stay in World of Warcraft. I hope that World of Warcraft will be better and better, and not let each other grow apart.

This article is from WeChat public account:New Weekly (ID: new-weekly)< span class = "text-remarks">, author: Feng Xiao