Everyone should have his mission in life and life.

Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Chaos University” (ID: hundun-university)< /a>, author Li Shanyou.

01. What is emerging and why is it happening?

The so-called emergence is the emergence of new higher levels.

Zhang Jiang, a professor at the School of Systems Science at Beijing Normal University, once said that the complexity of any system has a threshold beyond which the system can evolve and become unsuccessful. When the threshold is broken and evolved to the end, there will be a hierarchy, which is defined as emerging.

In complex thinking, if only one concept is chosen, I will choose emerge.

There are 83 times in the book “Out of Control”, which is a very, very important word.

Emerging, if expressed by a formula, is the sum of the “whole” parts. An example is mentioned in the book “Complex”. There was a family, the boss took a spoonful of soda water and put it in a bowl. The second child took a spoonful of vinegar and put it in a bowl. As a result, there was not only soda, vinegar, but also a new one. Things – carbon dioxide. Where does carbon dioxide come from? From the interaction between individuals.

How to make the company and the individual's mission the same frequency?

FromGroup< /strong>EmergingThe biggest secret is:Interactions between individuals. As mentioned in “Complex”, as the number of members increases, the interaction between members will increase exponentially. When the degree of connectivity exceeds a certain threshold, it will emerge.

The key feature that emerges is hierarchical.

The first level, individual level.

The second level, the overall level.

People who study complex systems will definitely study ant colonies. A single ant is the weakest of all creatures we know, butIf millions and tens of millions of ants are put together, this interaction between ants and ants will form a group intelligence as a whole. In other words, when you study ant colonies, you can’t just study individual ants, but study: What exactly is this ant colony?

In the ant colony, there are obviously two levels. The first one, individual level, a single ant that your eyes see. The second, the overall level, is the ant colony. The overall level is usually virtual, the level at which interactions occur between individuals.

For example, human beings are made up of countless cells. It is not the sum of cells, but a virtual hierarchy called “I”. “I”, this virtual level, allows me to do some actions, for example, I can cut my arm and the part that is cut off is part of the individual level.

It can be seen that “I” this whole, this virtual level is above the individual level, it has a dominant role for the lower level of individuals, this phenomenon we call strong emergence.

Speaking so much, what exactly is emerging? The interaction between a large number of individuals gives birth to new life at a higher level. In general, the emergence is the emergence of a new life, you can’t see it in this life, but you can perceive it, and the existence of that thing is emerging.

02.Human and mouse genetic similarity is 90%,Why is the differenceSoLarge?

What is the emerging mechanism? Self-organization, that is, a large number of individuals based on the interaction of simple rules, without the need for central regulation, can emerge a new order as a whole.

Biology evolution is the interaction between individuals, inheritance, variation, and natural selection. Natural selection is the simple rule of interaction between individuals. Therefore, the entire biological evolution is a self-organizing mechanism.

Darwin once said that there is no need for a character like God to exist, as long as there is variation between individuals, plus choices, everything will be produced. For example, humans and mice have a genetic similarity of 90% and a gorilla gene similarity of 95%. However, why is the actual gap between humans and mice and orangutans so large? BecauseThe complexity of biology comes mainly from the interaction between genes (Coffman, researcher at Santa Fe Institute).

What is the organization’s gene?

Let’s take a look at self-organizing dynamics.

Leadership and New Science mentions that effective self-organization is inseparable from the support of two key elements: clear identity and autonomy.

In the organization, if people make independent decisions through the reference process under the guidance of clear organizational identity, the whole system will have good consistency and strength. There are two keywords, bottom-up autonomy and top-down identity.

We first look at autonomy. As mentioned in “Out of Control”, thousands of fish swim like a giant beast and break through the waves. They are like a whole. Where does this consistency come from? Formed from autonomy after pursuing simple rules.

Fish formations like this self-organizing only need to follow three rules:

1. Follow the fish in front.

2. Stay in sync with the fish around you.

3. Keep a distance from the fish behind.

From the perspective of enterprises, a large number of individuals only need to interact according to simple rules. Without a clear leader, the whole new model and new order can emerge. There is chaos and order, and the order in the chaos or chaos in the order can emerge new life.

Next we look at identity. From a genetic perspective, the genotype unidirectionality determines the phenotype (genotype —> phenotype). From the father to the offspring, the genetic code for this protein evolution is stored in our genes. Genes are like blueprints for evolution. How can children grow into this blueprint after the next generation of children?

This blueprint is stored in your genes and tells you how the protein is inherited. There is a very important order, the gene determines the evolution of the protein, and no matter how the protein evolves, it can not affect the gene, which is called the one-way evolution, that is, the central law.

When genes are passed down from generation to generation, there are proteins inside, there are blueprints for inheritance, but does the gene itself need intergenerational inheritance? You give birth to a child, and your child will have your genes, but where is the mechanism of gene inheritance stored? The answer is: just on his own, called self-referential. Genes are blueprints for people to copy themselves. But this blueprint itself can replicate itself. This thing is very painful to think of, it is logically difficult, this is a kind of self-referential.

How to make the company and the individual's mission the same frequency?

So, self-organizing, in the self-organizing mechanism There must be a central principle of constant, self-referential, and identical. Just like fractal innovation, it is not to innovate at every level, but to find out its isomorphic structure.

In other words, if you are in the business and see the organization as emerging, ask yourself: What is the organization’s genes? Bottom-up in the organization, top-down, what is the law of identity between individuals?

03.Four steps to build a biometric organization

Can our own organization become an emerging organization?

In an emerging organization, we expect innovation to grow, self-organize, and emerge.

Organization is not the sum of individuals, but the sum of interactions between individuals. Organization is emerging at a higher level, a virtual super-living body, that is, organization is life.

Emerging organizations can be almost identical to biotypes. The surface of the biological tissue seems to be chaotic and out of control. In fact, the organization is growing up and looking for innovation.

Apple APP, is it a biotype organization? Everyone is desperate to develop their own app in Apple, and then generate income, and give Apple 30%. So Jobs did not invent the smartphone at all, but invented an ecosystem.

Here, I will give you a few biometric organizations to implement the recommendations.

First, the process of increasing resources. The scientists did an experiment on a group of ants, setting up two channels of different lengths between the ant colony and the food source. The first group of ants who left the community to find food randomly chose one of the routes, and in just a few minutes, almost the entire ant colony found the shortest route.

There is a key thing in the middle called pheresin. When the ant crawls, it releases some pheromone, and then other ants crawl along the path where the pheromone concentration is strong. It is crawling.