How early startups controlled the sense of boundary.

Shared by: Si Shinan, CEO of Yulian Wulian

YuLian Wulian is an industrial Internet startup company, vertical to the field of machining, providing equipment manufacturers and processing plants with a total solution from data collection to SaaS applications. This month, we have announced the source-funded capital investment, and the profit of the Pre-A round of tens of millions of yuan pursued by Yingdong Capital. Language 祯 物 联 reported in November last year .

Language solution consists of two levels: the bottom level data acquisition and processing hardware “language communication box”, and the upper level SaaS application system.

But in the view of founder Si Shinan, the communication box solves the problem of the last mile of the IoT, and it will not help the enterprise to open the distance in the past 3-5 years, but it is not the ultimate barrier. Therefore, this year, the core of the Internet of Things is polishing the Digital Lean Platform (DLP), a PaaS system with a “cross star” structure. We will introduce it later.

Si Shinan, once a core executive of Beijing FANUC, has overall responsibility for product development, technology management, innovative business, technical engineering, solutions, industry sales, technical support and other business units. 13 years of continuous work in the high-end equipment field, proficient in industry products and solutions, familiar with various manufacturing environments and processing technologies.

After more than two years of exploration in the field of Industrial Internet, Si Shinan believes that the core of Industrial Internet is actually discussing two things: one is commercialization, and the other is productization.

The focus of commercialization is to judge the market trend, and then the business model. At present, the three judgments of Wuyi Wutong on the machining market are:

  • Waist customers will rise. At present, the machining market is extremely fragmented. The proportion of the size distribution of head, waist and tail enterprises is 1: 3: 6. With the rise of waist customers, it will gradually develop into a 1: 7: 2 structure. The company defines its target customers as waist machining companies with annual processing fees of more than 300,000 or high value-added products.

  • The inevitable trend in the future is that people serve machines. The general trend of technological development is that machines replace the labor of repetitive machinery with higher efficiency and more stable output. Therefore, in the field of manufacturing,