This article is from WeChat public account: a FINANCE (ID: yibencaijing) , author: Euler, original title:” large Data life and death: 70% of the data interface is cut off, tens of thousands of employees leave the industry “, the picture from: Visual China

In the past three months, a number of data companies have been investigated, and the data industry has been turbulent.

The industry continues to tighten, and 70% of the data interfaces are cut off.

Some big data companies’ reptile teams have been laid off, and a large number of people have voluntarily resigned. According to statistics, at least tens of thousands of employees have flown out recently, and the turnover rate in the industry is more than 50%.

The CEOs of various big data companies “check in” in the circle of friends every day, proving that “I have not been arrested, and my company is still there.”

On the other hand, compliant big data companies with a state-owned background have ushered in a good time. Some companies have “doubled their business every month” in just three months.

Some people say that this is the biggest “death and death” facing the industry: Some people die, but they also have life …

01 The industry catastrophe

The big data industry was suddenly braked.

In the past three months, news of the arrests and investigations of big data company personnel continued to spread, and everyone in the industry was at risk.

A number of financial institutions said that most of the data interfaces they cooperated with were cut off, “70% of the interfaces were broken, and many others were unstable, changing three times a week.”

The first thing to stop is a variety of reptile products.

Yu Jianrui, the founder of a big data company, found an emergency meeting at the company after the second crawler company was caught.

“The business of the reptile department was suspended, and all the reptile data on the database and server was deleted, even if it was desensitized.” Yu Jianrui decided that “the strong man had a broken arm.”

The day after the data was deleted, the reptile department immediately “lay off more than a dozen people and transferred more than a dozen people.”

“On the third day, the entire crawler department completely disappeared from the company.” Yu Jianrui spent three days to “erase” the crawler business.

The “three-factor verification” followed immediately.

In the past, many major operators have received a lot of agents, and the latter will provide data interfaces for phone calls., Name and other elements.

“Recently Telecom has stopped many agents, and now it is basically not connected.” Yu Jianrui said that the initial suspension was Telecom, and now China Unicom and China Mobile are “reducing agents.”

A variety of long lending products have also been removed.

“Tianchuang and shielded long lending products have stopped, and basically there are no long lending products on the market.” Yu Jianrui said.

Financial supervision is beginning to require self-examination.

On November 6, the China Internet Finance Association issued a “Notice on Enhancing the Awareness of Personal Information Protection and Carrying out Business in Accordance with Laws” to member institutions, asking member institutions to investigate data partners.

“Many companies that have been investigated or have risky businesses are directly named. Regulatory requirements require self-examination to check whether they have cooperated with them.” Mu Li Credit and many other companies. ”

On October 24, a screenshot was circulated on the Internet. The screenshot shows that the PBOC requires banks in various regions to investigate cooperation with third-party data companies.

The staff of several financial institutions also confirmed this: “Although the requirements in different regions may be slightly different, they all require stopping cooperation with risk companies.”

As business stagnates, the industry is filled with panic.

Every day around Yu Jianrui loses contact, “Go abroad, get caught, get caught.”

“Recently, the CEOs of various big data companies check in their friends’ circles every day, and they are more diligent than sports check-in.” Yu Jianrui said that the subtext here is nothing more than “I’m okay, and our company is fine.” .

The HR of a scene staging platform made an appointment for an interview two days ago. As a result, the job applicant did not appear. “Later, I heard that he was arrested.”

Big data has suddenly become a high-risk industry, and the industry has set off a wave of turnover.

“We received a lot of resumes from people in the data industry during this time,” said HR.

The major data companies are also laying off staff.

“Almost all of the data companies on the list are laying off staff.” A risk control director at a financial institution said that almost half of the employees being laid off were technical staff.

“The layoff and turnover rates of these companies are at least 50%, and the technical department has even reached 70%.”

02 Costs are skyrocketing

In fact, the foundation and nourishment of fintech development is big data.

The stagnation of the entire data industry has caused a huge impact on financial operations.

“80% of financial companies have contracted.” Yu Jianrui said.

Some platforms can only lend money to old customers and no longer add new ones; slightly more aggressive platforms start to lend money based on their feelings.

“Senior practitioners will have a concept of their user portraits, and probably know who is a high-quality crowd.” said Li Yang, director of risk control of a scene staging platform.

They lent money against past good customer portraits and overdue customer portraits. “The overdue rate is also under control.”

But if you want to maintain your previous business volume, it means increased costs.

Then their selling price can be extremely low, “selling one more order is making money.”

“They are cheap, and because they are cached, the response time will be faster than us.” Tang Hanlin said.

In the fierce market competition, bad coins will drive out good coins.

Now, compliant data companies have become “fragrant”.

The founder of a data company with a state-owned enterprise background revealed: “In the last three months, our business volume has doubled every month.”

The big data platforms owned by some giants have suddenly become very popular.

“Waiting for our services, the number of consultations has skyrocketed.” Cloud platform sales under a giant said they are currently preparing to expand their team.

Regarding the future of the big data industry, practitioners believe that “licensing” will be a key word.

“Maybe a third-party big data company will be licensed.” Xia Rui, the head of a data company predicts that by then, there should be only a few leading companies in the industry, and the possibility that small companies will survive Not big.

Compliance and licensing may become the main theme of the big data industry in the future.


Ding Yi believes that an industry must go through several cycles from rough to compliance. “Only if the profiteering chain is interrupted, these law-abiding people can run again.”

“Are you still planning to stay in the big data industry?” Recently, many people asked Yu Jianrui.

“The market and demand are still there. It’s just that a new runway is planned, and I will still be there,” he said.

Only this time, he will be even more awed.

* Some of the respondents in the text are aliases.