om / p / 5271253 “target =” _ blank “>  Scientific Guide: Why do you always feel tired?  Chronic stress is associated with chronic elevation of cortisol, which will also Causes fatigue. Spiegel says, “Usually, intense stress makes your blood pressure and heart rate faster, so you feel more excited. But long-term stress can make you feel exhausted, because you will secrete more cortisol, and after a period of time you will slowly deplete your body’s reserves. “

Insufficient exercise

Burning energy can awaken your body, which may sound counterintuitive, but Feuerstein says insisting on exercise can make a person full of energy. This is because regular aerobic exercise is good for cardiopulmonary function and makes high-intensity activities easier.

He said: “Exercise is like maintaining your car. The human body needs to move regularly. Only in this way can it function normally.”

Too much exercise

On the other hand, too much exercise or intensity can also consume energy and cause fatigue. Spiegel said: “Active exercise is a good thing, but to a certain extent, your body can’t keep up. If your body can’t supply energy, it will produce lactic acid and cause muscle aches.”

If you are tired from working too much or exercising too much, the best thing to do is to focus on rest, rather than make more demands on your body.

In some cases, feeling tired all the time may be a sign of other physical problems.

Thyroid problem

If Feuerstein eliminates basic lifestyle causes (such as lack of exercise or malnutrition) in fatigued patients, he often checks patients for thyroid function. Because hormones secreted by the human thyroid can activate cells and regulate body functions such as metabolism and blood pressure, fatigue is one of the most prominent symptoms of thyroid insufficiency. Other common symptoms include unexplained weight gain, hair loss and brittle nails, muscle pain, and sensitivity to cold.

Although hypothyroidism is a common cause of frequent fatigue, Feuerstein said that some people experience fatigue during subclinical hypothyroidism, which is a milder and earlier In true hypothyroidism, it is difficult for the patient’s body to produce enough thyroid hormones.It is difficult to concentrate later in the day. Headache is another common symptom.


Iron is an important part of the formation of red blood cells, and the important function of red blood cells is to transport oxygen throughout the body. If your iron content is low, then you may feel weak and tired.

Berquist said that anemia may be caused by a long or irregular menstrual cycle or iron deficiency in the diet, but there are other more serious problems that can also cause anemia, such as colon cancer or celiac disease Intestinal bleeding.


Consider your water intake before going for a second cup of coffee in the afternoon. Adequate hydration is as important as nutrition.

Water carries nutrients to the cells and removes waste from the body, so if you don’t consume enough water, it will damage the function of every cell in your body. Don’t wait until you feel thirsty to drink water, you may already be dehydrated.

Historically, doctors have suggested that people calculate the ideal amount of water based on their weight, but Berquist said the better standard is to make urine lighter than to drink a certain amount of water every day. “How much water you need depends on the altitude, humidity and food you eat. Checking the color of your urine is a great way to make sure you’re hydrated,” she said.

Blood glucose issues

Berquist said that insulin resistance is becoming more common, which means that the body cannot effectively feed blood glucose into cells for energy. So even if a person does not have diabetes, they will have blood sugar problems. This may cause feelings of fatigue, weakness, or trembling.

Many times, lifestyle factors, such as eating a lot of refined and processed carbohydrates, can affect your body’s ability to properly handle sugar, but you can also check if you have diabetes.

Potential health issues

Most fatigue can be easily relieved through lifestyle changes, such as taking a good rest, exercising, and adjusting your diet. But in some cases, feeling tired all the time can be a sign of other physical problems.

If you are still tired after changing your lifestyle, or tired day by day, then you may need to see a doctor. Because in some cases it can be a situation similar to chronic fatigue syndrome.

Translator: Jane

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