Only by doing every detail, it is possible to achieve the ideal delivery effect.

Editor’s note: This article is written on WeChat public account “Fun Reading Notes” (ID: qudubiji ) , the author Ah Meng. Reprinted with permission.

Some statistics on the public account release data some time ago:

The number of advertisements placed on public accounts in the first half of 2019 increased by 115% year-on-year. This shows that there are already a large number of companies that have public account requirements and there will be more and more.

What are the public account delivery routines with a return rate of 300%? This process is enough

Facing increasingly stringent regulations on WeChat public platforms, readers are increasingly demanding content, and it is becoming more difficult for public accounts to self-operate and increase their popularity. Advertising seems to be the best way to grab WeChat traffic right now.

So for publishers, how do you develop a delivery strategy? How to find the right quality traffic among many public accounts? How can I improve my conversion rate? You must do every detail to achieve the desired delivery effect.

I will make a summary based on the delivery data of a head agency and my actual delivery experience from ROI running from 0 to 3 in the past 3 months. I hope to help everyone in the launch process, you can step down a few pits and spend less money.

01. A classic case of a K12 educational institution

The name of this company is not disclosed here. In the two years from 2015 to 2017, this company has grown at a high speed. It can be said that this organization has embraced the thigh of WeChat public account from the media. And in the process they have mastered enough skills, these skills are enough to support their company’s stable customer acquisition and business growth.

So I think this case will be very important for you.

Let ’s take a look at his total delivery in the two years 2015-2017:

What are the public account release routines with a return rate of 300%? This process is enough

What are the public account release routines with a return rate of 300%? This set of procedures is sufficient

From the above data, we can see that in the past two and a half years, his investment has continued to increase very quickly. There are 3 key data that we need to pay attention to and refer to: the number of placements, placements, and soft articles.

Look at the number of impressions first

Let ’s first list the account numbers and frequency of this institution ’s high frequency:

What are the public account delivery routines with a return rate of 300%? This process is enough

What are the public account release routines with a return rate of 300%? This process is enough

There are more than 100 accounts, and the reinvestment has been made more than 40 times. Especially in the vertical parent account, the reinvestment rate is very high. So you will find: Accounts with good effect and large number of fans can actually be re-invested at high frequency.

Because of these public accounts in the education vertical category, as parents, they will basically pay attention to these public accounts. Even if these primary school parents are going to junior high school, there will still be a new parent group to follow the account. The fan accuracy of this number is still extremely high.

Some educational institutions often have a misunderstanding:

Do n’t think that you have voted for the account you have voted for. In fact, we only need to grasp the rhythm when it is launched, and if you launch it within the prescribed time, or your competitors launch it, then you will invest the next day, and the effect will not be too good.

But you can vote after a certain period of time (fan accounts above 5W can be separated by more than 20 days, fan accounts below 5W can be separated by more than 1 month), the delivery effect will still be very goodit is good. This depends on whether the account’s activity, the open rate of the article, and the excitement of your content can attract the user’s attention.

Look at the choice of placement again

Proportion of placement of this educational institution:

What are the public account release routines with a return rate of 300%? This set of procedures is sufficient

From the above data, it can be seen that the total number of launches is 16000+, of which the headline accounted for 46.3%, and other than that, it was distributed between 2-8, and if you look closely, you will find that 2, 5, 6 Relatively high, 3-4, 7-8 relatively weak effect.

Another misunderstanding will be found here:

Usually, we choose placements. If the headline is too expensive or not scheduled, we will vote for the second one. If the second one fails, we will vote for three, and so on. But this strategy is not the best.

The correct choice should be: if the headline can be cast, try to make the headline, because the conversion rate of the headline is generally the highest. If the headlines cannot be cast due to budget, schedule, etc., then choose Article 2, followed by Article 5, followed by Article 6. The effects of 3-4 and 7-8 are relatively weak.

Because when people make multiple choices, the visual jump must conform to this law, and this law is also summed up by real money. It will be a very important reference index for your future investment.

Lastly look at the soft papers

List the titles of some articles posted by this institution + the number of times served

What are the public account delivery routines with a return rate of 300%? This process is enough

What are the public account release routines with a return rate of 300%? This process is enough

To my surprise, in order to ensure stable output, this organization will chooseProduce soft text.

We usually think that it is best to write articles from the media account when posting soft articles, but in fact, when writing from the media, it is not necessarily that he will truly understand the psychology of the target user group you are targeting. So writing your own articles is also a very good and stable way to get customers.

If you read each article, you will also find one of his tricks: these vertical numbers will be cross-combined with “a same title + different articles” or “different titles + the same article” , And then efficiently re-invest, and continue to bring new traffic steadily.

Okay, let ’s analyze the case here first, and then review the five delivery strategies used by this institution:

What are the public account delivery routines with a return rate of 300%? This process is enough

Through the above cases, we have learned how to formulate a launch strategy suitable for our products, and some cognitive misunderstandings. Next, from the level of execution, I will sort out the entire process of investment, as well as the skills and pits of each process.

02. Complete the delivery process

First of all, let me give you some ideas. When I launched the PMP®️ project management course, the entire process and several details to pay attention to.

What are the public account release routines with a return rate of 300%? This process is enough

So based on this process, my delivery strategy is like this:

What are the public account delivery routines with a return rate of 300%? This set of procedures is sufficient

The execution phase follows the normal process, but sometimes the contract process is omitted

The data I monitor during the review phase mainly includes the reading volume of each channel, the reading conversion rate, the cost of acquiring a single user, and the final paid conversion of traffic.Rate, ROI, content and channel optimization, and then the next round of delivery.

In the following, I will focus on the account screening, content preparation, manual message, and review phase during the implementation phase. These are relatively important and easy to ignore points.

About selection number

In the vast public account, it is not easy to choose the public account that suits you. If you are not careful, it will become a “blind vote”.

Usually you will definitely pay attention to these two indicators, “How much is this account?”, “Have the owner of this account ever heard / have any popularity?” But this is actually a very narrow concept. If you don’t analyze the data behind each account in depth, it may be that the money you applied for will be lost instantly.

The number selection in this process is a very rational selection process. To put it plainly, these are the key dimensions:

What are the public account release routines with a return rate of 300%? This process is enough

1. Cost-effective

In the industry, the average headline reading price is 1.3 yuan, so as long as it is less than 1.3 yuan, it is reasonable to read the unit price. Secondly, when the other dimensions are the same, the lower is definitely better.

2. Fan accuracy

Including fan age, distribution area, male and female ratio, these data can directly find the number to provide screenshots of background data. For example, the fan industry, most of the fans are little white or senior experts in a certain field, etc. Some data can only be subjectively judged based on historical article content.

3. Fan stickiness

It mainly depends on the average number of likes on the headline, the rate of likes on the headline, the number of comments on the headline, and the rate of reading comments on the headline. Generally, these dimensions are enough to judge. In addition, the more in-depth dimensions include the original rate, the number of ads read, Frequency of deletion, etc. Accounts with high fan stickiness must have a high conversion rate.

4. Historical delivery

If you find that competing products have also been launched in historical articles, shouldn’t you vote for them? By no means, competing products must be competitive products that have recognized the value of this account, what do you need to read the reading data of this ad? Is it close to the average reading of this account? When was the last run? If the ad reading of a competing product is close to the average account reading and the most recentIt was a month ago, so you can run it normally.

5. Is there any data brushing?

1) Judging from single reading trends

I use the “pre-investment analysis” function of watermelon data to view the historical article data of the selected account, and I can see the reading data of each article for each time period.

The normal reading track is semi-circular, as shown below:

What are the public account delivery routines with a return rate of 300%? This set of procedures is sufficient

The number of articles brushed by the machine will increase sharply in a certain period of time, leaving the fan-shaped track, as shown below:

What are the public account release routines with a return rate of 300%? This set of procedures is sufficient

What are the public account delivery routines with a return rate of 300%? This set of procedures is sufficient

2) Compare average reading through advertising articles

In addition to looking at reading data through tools, you can also find advertisement articles that are obvious in the title from historical articles and see if the reading is higher than or equal to the average reading. In normal user habits, the click-through rate of advertisement articles will be very low. If the phenomenon of advertisement articles dominating the crowd appears on this platform, it is likely to be a brush.

Addition: The number selection tool can use the new list, watermelon data, micro treasure, etc., and the functions are not much different.

Content production

After the account is selected, the next step is to prepare the content.

After many postings and investigations, the article logic of the optimal article is summarized: create suspense with clear-cut headlines → the overall content direction surrounds the topic you want to convey → the story is introduced, the readability is strong → the advertising part is introduced

Public account with 300% returnWhat are the delivery routines?  This process is enough

What are the public account delivery routines with a return rate of 300%? This process is sufficient

1) Should I choose soft or hard?

The question that must be tangled before launching is whether the soft text or the hard-broad effect is good? First look at the obvious difference between hard and soft Guang ↓↓

Hard and wide:

What does the user get from the title? What are the advantages of your product? Do everything possible to show it, as much as possible to stimulate the desire of users to convert. Hard-to-read is usually low in clicks, but once clicked, the conversion rate will be higher

Soft and wide:

Take the content or hotspots that people are paying attention to as the starting point. More than 60% of the content sections are step by step, leading users to identify, find existing problems, give solutions, prove the effectiveness of my solution, etc., to stimulate purchases. The desire to transform and successfully achieve the purpose of launch.


Soft reading is usually higher than hard reading, but whether the reading users can be successfully converted into paying users will test the strength of Xiao Bian’s soft articles.

So, if you want stability, I recommend using hard-broadcasting. If the writing ability is high and the user’s ability to understand the needs is strong, you can try soft writing to get a high explosion. However, the specific effects are different in different industries. You can pass the A / B test to compare which method has the highest ROI.

2) Design of the title

The first thing to consider in the headline is the user ’s mood to read your article. For example, if the user is serious and immersive to read this article, then it is easier for you to stimulate his actions. If the user has a mentality of watching and playing, it will be more difficult to make him act.

For example, you can see the difference between the two titles in this picture:

What are the public account placement routines with a return rate of 300%? This process is enough

The first title, even if the content of the article is the same as the second article, when the user sees the first title clicks into it, they read it with an entertaining attitude, so when you are in the article When guiding users to action, he does not have much desire, because he is just watching an entertainment news.

The second title, although it is a bit titled, please note that for parents, they are not afraid of the title party, but they are afraid of “missing some knowledge”, so at this time they will look at it with a serious attitude, What can I do to not delay the child. At this point, the persuasiveness of each node you design will easily facilitate action.

In addition, the design of the title needs to have a very good directionality, so that when reading this article, the reader clearly knows what the purpose of reading this article is, and not to finish the sentence at one time, but to be appropriate Create suspense. Then you can click into the article.

If your title makes the user feel that it has nothing to do with him, or is not interested, then your delivery efficiency is already lost in the title. So the title is obviously very important.

3) Direction of content

At the time of content creation, I will initially fall into a misunderstanding, and often use some good ideas to say things to show the professionalism of our brand. But then you will find that when you use the principle to talk to users, you often can not let users focus. Most explosive articles or large letters with strong writing skills, instead, use a small point to motivate users to continue reading, because often a small point, users can empathize and easily understand.

If you ca n’t catch the user ’s attention by feeling, you can also use some methods, for example, list the most recently read titles of your account, and use a semantic analysis tool (I usually use NLPIR) to pick out the frequency of occurrence The highest keywords. Then based on these high-frequency keywords, dig deeper what they are essentially concerned about? Understand the more granular user groups based on their essential focus.

What are the public account release routines with a return rate of 300%? This process is enough What are the public account delivery routines with a return rate of 300%? This process is enough

The above two pictures are keywords extraction for a high-read title of a technical account. It can be seen that the two points that users of this account are most concerned about are salary (annual salary) and professional technical methods (experience, Guide, getting started).

4) Article structure and readability

When reading an article, most users will first look at the key points of the article and will not read them one by one. So it is very important that the points in your article are clearly displayed. In addition to trying to attract users to continue reading with stories, you can also use short sentences instead of long sentences to allow readers to understand what you want to express with the lowest cost.

5) Does the advertising part lead to user action?

Our purpose is usually to let users take a certain action, such as adding WeChat friends, buying drainage courses, or leaving sales leads. In this process, ad placement is important.

But the advertising part is often the place where users have the highest bounce rate, so if you ca n’t quickly explain the advantages of your products, then there is no way for users to have a “Gada” moment. Acted. There are many more tricks here, of which red is the focus. Where must be marked red?

Free stuff must be marked in red. When users are not so impressed with your brand, can you be free, can you add those product advantages, can users generate desire for action at the moment, can you reduce the cost of user decisions At the lowest level, it determines whether the user can act immediately.

So you must let users see “free” in the shortest and most conspicuous way, then there is not much cost anyway, then the user will act.

The part that contains numbers must be marked in red. People’s vision is usually more sensitive to numbers and easier to focus. When users see that tens of thousands of people have already received it, they will feel that I should also receive it, and increase the user’s trust, and the next action will be smoother.

What are the public account delivery routines with a return rate of 300%? This process is enough

6) Optimization of messages

This part is actually right and wrongass = “img-desc”> Delivery data tracking form

My usual review dimensions are: looking at the title from the open rate, looking at the article content from the conversion rate of adding powder, judging the quality of the channel from the customer acquisition cost, ROI, and the product launch strategy from the conversion rate after getting traffic.

In addition, if any channel has a particularly good ROI, I will go back and analyze carefully what is different about this channel from other channels. Is it user stickiness? Cost-effective? What are the characteristics of the content? If this account is more professional than other publishing accounts, then I will look for more historical articles with more professional accounts and more dry goods.

Every review after the launch should optimize the strategy for the next launch. If there are effective channels, you can also consider re-submitting, or choose other ways to cooperate, such as the menu bar, attention reminders, the bottom of the article, continuous tweets, and so on.

In general, in the final review, we must first make clear the results we want to analyze, and then record the basic data that we can support. I believe that through the continuous review and summary, your public account will be better and better.