Before the advent of the 5G and AI wave, Tencent News intends to lead content entrepreneurs to seize the dividend period through a partnership program called “ConTech”.

In 2020, Tencent News will provide 1.5 billion content creation funds for content partners and 10 billion monthly traffic support. It is estimated that this slightly dull end of 2019 will stimulate the industry’s nerves .

2019 content entrepreneurs are “anxious” for too long because of money and traffic. In the year of complicated competition and massive content inventory, staying up late and struggling may only be stagnant traffic and unmovable fans. The prevailing argument in the industry is that the dividend period has passed.

Is the content bonus period really over? Looking at the data released by Chen Juhong, vice president of Tencent, not yet. People may not find old age, young, and low-education content users are coming. The low-education group even reaches 479 million, and the user growth of these three groups is still increasing. Behind the data is the bonus. Just how long the bonus period will last, how content entrepreneurs should seize it is worth exploring by those with courage.

Behind Tencent's press release ConTech: Fighting for new dividends during the content transformation period

Chen Juhong, Vice President of Tencent

Before the advent of 5G and AI artificial intelligence, Tencent News intends to lead content entrepreneurs to seize the bonus period through a partnership program called “ConTech”.

This is a mechanism for human brains and machines to cooperate to complete content production. It can support various links including content production, access, processing, distribution, and experience. At present, this plan also covers the Tencent News Knowledge Officer Program, Star Program and TOP Program.

The above-mentioned support of 1.5 billion funds and 10 billion monthly traffic for content creators is also part of the plan.

This is a new gameplay. At present, ConTech’s intelligent content production engine Qingyun system has been started, and it is unknown where it will go. But for content creators, it can at least give it a try.

A “handshake” between human brain and machine

The era of 5G and artificial intelligence participating in content production may have come.

When Tencent’s ConTech intelligent content production engine Qingyun system was successfully launched, it was involved in the production of 1,000 videos every day; the intelligent writing system