Why don’t you go to sports and learn fitness?

Editor’s note: This article comes from WeChat public account “ GymSquare refinement ” (ID: GymSquare ), Author Shengjie.

Physical education, not teaching fitness

Why can’t I study fitness if I go to sports?

Young people are becoming more and more physically anxious. If young people’s fitness skills should be learned from college physical education classes, it is clear that physical classes do not teach Chinese young people to exercise fitness.

Instead, The gym became a stadium for young people after graduation.

Contrary to the fitness slogan of physical education in colleges and universities, physical measurement data has been declining year by year , and the physical condition of college students has become increasingly worrying. Fitness fitness outside the school has taken on the role of improving basic factors such as “heart and lungs, muscle strength,” and cultivating fitness habits.
Physical education, not teaching fitness

Why do n’t I take exercise in physical education? You may want to return to “what did you practice in physical education?”

For example, After the physical education class, “blushing and heartbeat” is a common topic , Physical fear caused by physical and long-distance running , and physical data of “how high and multiple” seem to be linked to the performance point only.

Under the current situation of “sports class can’t exercise fitness”, the nature of the problem is worth exploring .

First of all, in the Chinese health physical education curriculum model, in the face of insufficient exercise load, proposed the concept of exercise density with an average exercise heart rate of 140-160 beats / min , and secondly, Chinese physical examination In the standard, the “BMI test, sitting forward flexion” fitness test item was pointed out by some academic journals without individuality.
Physical education, not teaching fitness

In addition, compared with Chinese physical measurement data, which is more used for macro statistics, FitnessGram sports test management system widely used in the United States can be formulated through physical fitness reports. Individual exercise plan , affecting students’ enthusiasm for exercise.

Back to the topic, compared with the social gym, The campus physical education class should probably take on the role of “fitness” more.

For example, In addition to special activities such as “basketball and football”, physical education should pay more attention to physical fitness development. Exploring fun in education may be an effective way to improve your physical fitness. Finally, sports tests, Extreme “feedback evaluation” similar to a gym, is also worth exploring.
Physical education, not teaching fitness

Physical education, Do not teach fitness

From the feedback in recent years, The athletic ability and physical fitness of college students are declining.

rootAccording to the 2018 Study on the Physical Fitness of College Students in China, Since 1995, the pull-up scores that reflect the quality of power have almost declined proportionally , also in 2017 The “Development History of Chinese Students’ Physical Fitness Monitoring” shows that the physical fitness of college students in China still shows a downward trend. The obesity rate continues to rise, increasing by 2% to 3% every 5 years.

The policy has further intervened in the “physical test”. In October this year, the Ministry of Education issued a clear statement to strengthen the assessment of students’ physical education curriculum. Failed to meet the “National Student Physical Health Standards” 》 You cannot graduate if you meet the eligibility requirements.

It seems that physical fitness-led campus fitness has limited effect.

PE, do not teach fitness

Mean change of pull-up mean

Source: “A Study of the Physical Fitness of the College Students in China”

On the contrary, From the user portraits of gyms and fitness apps today, most of them are college students with distressed physiques.

As mentioned in the “White Paper on the Development Trend of China’s Sports and Fitness Industry” issued by iResearch, 77.6% of the people who are keen on sports and fitness in 2018 have a college degree , while in the needleThe research on Keep user portraits mentioned that the majority of young people, 80% are under 30 years old , and most of their education is concentrated in undergraduate, 76% of bachelor degree users .

Physical education, not teaching fitness

2018 crowd portrait of Chinese people who are keen on sports and fitness

Source: “Research White Paper on the Development Trend of China’s Sports Fitness Industry” by iResearch

More college students choose to improve their fitness in gyms and fitness applications. The gym’s curriculum seems to have a great overlap with the goals of physical education.

For example, judging from the “fitness and bodybuilding” of more people, it is actually developing basic healthy fitness, because in the process of bodybuilding, muscle hypertrophy , Excessive recovery of muscle strength, adaptation to cardiovascular function, and reduction of body fat under caloric deficit are actually “subsets” of healthy fitness.

Physical class, not teaching fitness

U.S. private education certification proportion

Source: Orthopedic Reviews

As a comparison, foreign private education courses have developed into comprehensive physical fitness. The Orthopedic Reviews in the United States has counted the proportion of personal trainer training certifications, among which the ACSM certification of the American College of Sports Medicine exceeds 59.1%. < strong> In terms of training arrangement, free-track strength training for dumbbell barbells accounts for 33%, aerobic endurance training accounts for 24%, and Olympic weightlifting explosive training accounts for 7%.

Simply put, The domestic private education course is more like a basic physical education that makes you physically fit.class.

Physical education, not teaching fitness

In addition to private lessons, Small group lessons that have become a trend also seem to be more responsible for cultivating some people’s “moving” exercise habits.

Whether it is defined by domestic Keepland as a “sports space” or b-monster is a nightclub immersive combat group class, hoping to reduce the so-called “fitness anti-humanity” , it is actually training The manifestation of exercise habits. On the other hand, although CrossFit is a group model, it is still a niche in China due to the high requirements for comprehensive physical fitness.

Physical education, not teaching fitness

Segmentation of fitness crowd and fitness needs

Source: Changjiang Securities “2016 China Fitness Industry Survey”

According to Changjiang Securities’ “2016 China Fitness Industry Survey”, the fitness population and specific needs are divided into, Fitness enthusiasts who want to “reducing fat and shape” Users, as well as high net worth user groups with social decompression needs.

Compared to China, “Social stress reduction” has become a breakthrough point for the American group gym , and it is also the embodiment of SoulCycle, Barry’s Bootcamp, and Y7’s main millennial lifestyle, >

So, Chinese gym group classes are more like a physical education class that cultivates exercise habits.
Physical education, not teaching fitness

Barry ’s Bootcamp

Why take a physical education class, I do n’t know how to exercise?

Why physical education does n’t work out. First of all, college sports are “not enough”.

In the Survey of Attitudes and Behaviors of Physical Exercise among College Students in Beijing, a questionnaire survey of 6 universities including Peking University, Beijing Normal University, and Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications found that 80% of students participated at least every week 1 physical exercise, of which 28.2% of the total number of people more than 3 times a week.

Even saying that the lack of training intensity is common in physical education. “Three Without Seven” has once become a traditional media such as People ’s Daily and China Education Daily. No difficulty, no confrontation, no sweating, no gasping, etc.

Physical education, not teaching fitness

Frequent physical exercise of college students in Beijing

rate Source: “Survey and Research on Physical Exercise Attitude and Behavior of College Students in Beijing”

It is not a small problem to face difficulty in achieving training load in physical education class. Compared to this, how to measure and improve exercise load has also received more attention.

In the Chinese health physical education curriculum model proposed by Yangtze River scholar Ji Liu, emphasized that the physical intensity of each physical education class must reach about 75%, and the intensity of exercise must reach an average heart rate of 140-160 beats / min; It takes about 20 minutes to teach motor skills. It needs about 10 minutes of physical training.

In addition to the theory, there is also the implementation of a “helpless” solution, Zhejiang University from the 2018 gradeUndergraduates began to increase the physical education class from 36 hours to 54 hours per semester. Tianjin University sponsored a 21-day fat burning training camp, which is linked to the material rewards of credits. Running App, check your daily attendance through “Circle”.

Physical education, not teaching fitness

Source: Sina.com

Poor physical fitness is due to “not enough practice” in sports. The lack of interest in physical exercise is largely due to the psychological fear of physical examinations.

The article “How much Chinese college students are tortured by physical tests” published by Netease News Inspiration Studio explains that Physical tests are causing fear to college students Physical tests have become more of an item Test contest.
Physical education, not teaching fitness

Source: Netease News Wave Studio

In order to break through the physiological limit that Ben could not reach, the cases of sudden death and physical use of stimulants are not small. But in essence, Perhaps it is because the sports test is not individual and how it is performed.

For example, compared with domestic methods that use BMI to measure body composition, American FitnessGram uses skinfold thickness to measure body fat, which largely avoids inaccurate data caused by high muscle content. Evaluating muscle strength is not a single pull-up. FitnessGram will test muscle groups in different parts through push-ups, lean-in pull-ups, and curved arm overhangs.

Physical education, not teaching fitness

Chinese physical examination Source: People’s Daily

As for the implementation method, the “Comparison and Empirical Study of Physical Fitness Test Standards between Chinese and American Students” mentioned that in the 1000/800 meter test, has higher requirements for students’ running skills and physical strength distribution, and even It is difficult to reflect the true level of aerobic endurance under psychological intervention. In contrast, the 20m return run following the rhythm of music is implemented in many countries in Europe and the United States.

At the end of the test, whether or not the student’s physical test data can be used to improve physical weakness or even stimulate exercise habits may be the key.

In China, the National Student Physical Health Standard is more used as a tool for testing and assessing the physical health of students. FitnessGram will provide personalized intervention plans for student test data, which can also be implemented. Test comparison for targeted fitness guidance.

Sports class, not teaching fitness


Physical education, Fit first

In fact, promoting student participation in physical education has been implemented, whether it is divided into “soccer, basketball, bodybuilding, taekwondo, swimming” and other diversified sports teaching to meet students’ different interests, or “Exercise” is divided into assessment indicators.

But first, Sports needs more exercises to return to basic physical fitness , which is the development of strength, aerobic, flexibility and other qualities.

In other words, physical education requires fitness first.

Physical education, not teaching fitness

U.S. college physical education courses

Source: “Comparison of the status quo of physical education curriculum in China and the United States”

Ji Liu also suggested that preparation activities and skill exercises are not equivalent to physical fitness exercises. Special sports cannot develop all physical fitness. 10 minutes of physical training before each class Necessary.

As mentioned in “Comparison of the Current Situation of Physical Education Curriculum in Chinese and American Universities”, universities including Harvard and Columbia University, Is a must-have item.

Second, The sports test needs to have a “Feedback Evaluation” function similar to a gym physical test.

Physical education, not teaching fitness

In addition to physical examinations, they are used to evaluate students’ academic standards, and in addition to macro data on physical fitness, can they implement physical health for individuals. Even quantitative guidance, evaluation, and recommendations for physical fitness data, Maybe another key.

Finally, similar to the gym’s attempt to fight against “humanity against fitness”, Whether physical education and physical education can be “antihumanity” is more worth exploring.

At least from the fitness ring adventure loved by lazy cancer, the online fitness community shaped by home fitness Peloton, the actual application may not be too far away. ■ GYMSQUARE