Explore how to use low-cost push strategies to entice old users to become active? How can we learn from the push strategy of Tantan?

Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Three Lessons” (ID: sanjieke01) , Author, thief, reproduced with permission.

Tantan is a stranger dating product launched in 2014.

To date, this product can be said to have gone from cold start to daily life to 10 million, was removed from the shelf, and is now back on the shelf.

In the past 5 years, a lot of social apps for strangers have emerged, such as CP, soul, and so on. Tencent alone, this year, launched 5 social networks such as “friends”, “dance meet friends” product.

What interests me is that in the App Store ’s social product application rankings, this “exploration app”, which is already “old” in my opinion, still stands still and is at the forefront.

Old social products, push 10 million daily live by push? This

Tantan’s user base is mainly young single users. Ta’s core usage scenario is to make recommendations based on nearby people. After you open the exploration, you can see the “People nearby” card.

Old social products, relying on push to push 10 million daily lives? This

We know that for stranger social products, activity and retention are very important criteria. The daily life of the explorer exceeds 600w, and then even approaches 1000w. The retention rate of the next day is 75%, which can be said to be very high. .

It is understood that the most commendable highlight of exploration in promoting activities is its information push. In the early days of exploration, this push strategy was mainly used to capture a large number of seed users.

So, how does Tantan use low-cost push strategies to encourage active users? How can we learn from the push strategy of explorationHow about it?

The process of recalling users through push

Push text plays a very important role in recalling old users. Let ’s take a look at the overall process of users from click to push to conversion retention:

Old social products, push 10 million daily live by push? This

In general, for a push, the highest churn rate is from the level of “see push” to “click”. Therefore, how to improve the click rate of push has also become the most important thing for the product in the recall level.

Next, we will also analyze the push of the probe from the push strategy of the probe and the content of the push, and try to summarize some points about the old user push for your reference.

Exploration of push strategy for exploration

Recently, we have continued to observe the push content of probes under different behaviors, and found that in addition to conventional notification pushes, in fact, probes use a personalized recommendation strategy in addition to conventional notification push: The content of the push is different and can be customized.

We found that in many cases, the content of the probe push is most likely related to the characteristics of the tags filled in the user’s profile and the behavior of the user when using the App.

We can basically infer some of the tactics of exploration when pushing.

Old social products, relying on push to push 10 million daily lives? This

Think of such a scenario. You receive a message that is strongly related to you. This message has your personal tag or a tag you are interested in. If it is seductive enough, it will surely attract you to click and view it.

In addition, from the above rule, we can also feel that Tantan has established a strong user grouping, collecting the user ’s basic tags and behavior tags, and then combining them freely to push the personality for users. Push.

Overall, no matter if the push of the probe is to inform the user of information or use push promotes liveness, exploration and push are all a flexible combination of the use of user information labels, segmentation of the granularity of the crowd, thereby attracting users to click.

Exploring 4 “strategic” push content

In the full logic of pushing, pushing content is the top priority. As a way for products to communicate directly with users, push content is the most direct factor in determining whether a product can recall users and increase user stickiness.

From the gameplay and copywriting of the push content, it is not difficult to see why the push copy of the detective has the brightest point in promoting liveliness. To this end, we have summarized 4 strategies for the push content.

Expand next.

1) Attract user clicks by meeting the core needs of users when they initially join.

For Tantan, the original intention of the user when joining is very clear, that is, pairing and making friends. Therefore, in the push copy of Tantan, you can tell users directly and clearly that there is a little brother / sister who likes you and wants to pair with you.

Old social products, push 10 million daily live by push? This

After experiencing several apps, I found out that the exploration has done a little bit of detail. The exploration pushes have photos of matching little brothers / sisters. Let us compare the pushes of several social apps.

Old social products, push 10 million daily live by push? This

If it’s me, I will click on the push of the probe first. After all, everyone looks at the face first, and directly put the photo of the little brother on the push. This kind of visual stimulation can easily attract users. Go in and see.

2) Make users feel strongly related to “I” by obtaining user’s friend relationship, relationship chain and other information.

A very creative feature that has to be explored here is called “Anonymous Secret Confession”. It allows users to spontaneously disseminate products, and at the same time play a role in both new and active.

This function is super simple. It is to get your address book on the probe and guide you from the address book.Choose someone you have a crush on.

Old social products, push 10 million daily live by push? This

The detective will send a message to your secret Ta who prompts “your address book buddies” to secretly love you on the detective.

Old social products, push 10 million daily live by push? This

After the other party receives such a text message, if you want to know who is secretly in love, you can only go to the probe app and try to send a secret message to your address book friends. Only then can you know who Ta is secretly in love with.

Old social products, push 10 million daily live by push? This

In this way, a small gameplay will make the exploration user unknowingly become the “promoter” of the exploration. If “Secret SMS” is sent to new users, it will play a new role. Sending secret SMS to old users is a strategy to use friend relationships to recall users.

For users, sending an anonymous secret message on behalf of the detective solves the ambiguous interaction scenes of the younger brothers and sisters, while being anonymous does not make each other embarrassed.

For users who have received secret text messages, it is always a happy thing to be crushed by their friends. The secret confession function, check it out!

For the explorer, the user’s social relationship chain is used to bind the interests of the product with the user’s needs, and guide the user to actively target and promote the promotion. This gameplay is very interesting.

3) Utilization can strengthen usersStimulating tag information recalls users.

Around the core needs of users, there will be several tags that are of interest to users and can form a strong stimulus for users. Tantan captures the tags that users are interested in at the social level of strangers, and forms a rule: as long as a target user with a specific tag appears, push information to the user.

It is easy to understand that the core requirement of exploring users is to make friends, and what can form a strong stimulus to users is the other party’s label or behavior information, such as age, constellation, distance, etc. We mentioned earlier that exploration is to design strong pushes for users by mining user tag characteristics and status information.

Old social products, push 10 million daily live by push? This

Old social products, relying on push to push 10 million daily lives? This

4) By obtaining some important time nodes related to the user (such as joining time, birthday, anniversary, etc.).

If your product can prepare materials or benefits in advance on specific anniversaries and important time points, it can be pushed as soon as it is triggered, and users will feel your intentions and are willing to click to view.

For example, when I was experiencing exploration, I received a birthday greeting from the investigation.

Old social products, push 10 million daily live by push? This

(As a single dog, I feel the warmth from a stranger’s social software.

Explore the good place in the push process

1. After the user clicks and pushes to the corresponding page, the overall process experience is clear and smooth.

Many products with poor experience attract users with various exaggerated push content. As a result, after the user clicks, they find that the landing page has nothing to do with the content mentioned in the push, which makes people confused. The urge to unload.

From this point of view, the exploration is very good. For example, when I see that someone likes me very much, click into it and it just happens to be a page that really likes me.

Old social products, push 10 million daily live by push? This

Click someone to match me successfully. After entering, the chat interface will appear.

Old social products, push 10 million daily live by push? This

Exploring the design process, from copywriting to the page the user clicks on, the whole process is clear, so in the process of experience, users can meet basic expectations, and push can also play its role.

2. When receiving multiple notification pushes from a probe, you can automatically merge them by category.

Think about it. If you see push messages full screen every time, do you want to block or even uninstall the app? !! The probe has done particularly well at this point, and we found that if the push notification of the probe exceeds a certain amount, this information will be automatically classified and collapsed into a push.

Old social products, relying on push to push 10 million daily lives? This

This folding method is displayed in the user’s notification bar.Users save a lot of space and greatly reduce user dislikes.


The above are the push rules for exploration, some strategies and gameplay related to push content, we can probably conclude the following conclusions:

1) In the push rule, push is combined with the user’s information and behavior tags to personalize the push. This method is very easy to attract users, and it is not easy to cause user dislike.

2) In terms of pushing content, the four content strategies explored are extremely easy for users to feel “relevant to me” and stimulate users to click. For products that want to use low cost to plow active users, It is worth learning.

3) For the entire process of the recall function: every step from the push to the user to the conversion retention of the user, we must think clearly, the push content must be logically consistent with the landing page, otherwise the user experience will be very poor.

4) Content aggregation of multiple pushes: If there are multiple push messages, whether the display form that the user sees will be classified and folded is also a question to be considered when designing push. (End)