This article is from the public number: Everyone-Tencent News (ID: ipress) , author: Yuan Liu move the head from the east FIG IC

In 2019, under the cold winter of capital, the once-popular education and training industry was also a killing atmosphere. 20-year veteran institution Webb English has suddenly closed its stores in large areas. Its branches in major cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu and other places have closed, affecting tens of thousands of students. Worse yet, a large number of students have been induced by Webb English and applied for several Ten thousand yuan in training loans. Now that the organization is gone, the money has to be repaid.

Since October 2019, many Weibo English stores in Beijing, Shanghai and other places have closed one after another

Compared to English training, I am afraid that the hardest hit area of ​​institution failure is early education. Now parents want their children not to lose on the starting line, and the early education institutions are exploding, with mixed fish and chaos. Some early education institutions rely on franchising, visitor reliance on intermediaries, and flickers in class. Parents often find themselves “reported” after paying. Parents take their children to school and walk to the door to find that the institution is gone.

Early education institution failures have occurred frequently since 2019.

According to incomplete statistics, the training institutions with store closures in Shanghai in 2019 are: Bao Zhicheng, see