Encourage farmers to buy a house in the city

Source of this article Daily Economic News < / a>, author Bao Jingjing.

On January 14, the Funing County People ’s Government of Jiangsu Province issued the “Preferential Policies for Farmers to Enter the City and Buy Town Houses”. For newly-purchased commercial houses (including second-hand houses) in areas such as the county seat, each household is on the basis of subsidies for demolition of farm houses. An additional subsidy of 50,000 yuan; for newly purchased commercial houses (including second-hand houses) in other market towns, an additional subsidy of 30,000 yuan per household; purchase of commercial or resettlement houses at the county resettlement house supermarkets will be provided by the resettlement house supermarkets and development enterprises to varying degrees Compensation. (Note: The resettlement housing supermarket is the actual situation of the weakening real estate market in the county seat of Funing County. It chooses group houses that have been built and meet the delivery conditions within the county seat planning area for group purchase, and integrates relevant information to the platform to facilitate the demolished people. Select a room)

Yan Yuejin, research director of the Think Tank Center of the E-House Research Institute, told reporters from the Daily Economic News, “The starting point of Funing County ’s policy is to protect the rights and interests of farmers in the process of entering the market, objectively helping to activate farmers’ development. Urban housing purchase demand. The release of the spring breeze from the policy will also help the county’s destocking and active market transactions.

Invigorating rural stock land

The policy is clear. A subsidy of 350 yuan per square meter is provided for the demolition of farm houses, and a subsidy of 10,000 yuan for each case of withdrawal from the house site. Yan Yuejin believes that “policies help encourage farmers to demolish old houses and move to new homes, and have a positive effect on comprehensively rebuilding rural idle housing sites and reducing farmers’ concerns about entering the city. They also help revitalize existing rural land.”

Policies provide that if you buy a house in a county or a specific township, whether it is a new house or a second-hand house, you can give a subsidy of 30,000 to 50,000 yuan. If you choose to purchase a commercial house in the county resettlement house supermarket, the resettlement house supermarket will subsidize another 30,000 yuan / house, and the development company will give a group purchase discount of 20,000 yuan / house; if you buy the resettlement house in the county resettlement house supermarket, the resettlement house supermarket will The subsidy is 30,000 yuan / house, and the development enterprise will give a group purchase discount of 10,000 yuan / house.

Encourage farmers to buy houses in cities

Funing County is affiliated to Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province. It is a 40-minute and 50-minute drive from Huai’an Subei International Airport and Yancheng Airport, respectively. According to the Statistical Communiqué on National Economic and Social Development of Funing County in 2018, a total of 39,400 housing sites were withdrawn from completion in 2018, and 3,973 houses were resettled. 98 and 9,318 residential settlements were completed and completed. Pilot reclamation of 15,000 mu.

“At present, most of the places where homesteads are withdrawn are voluntary. However, the voluntary method is actually not scientific. It is beneficial for farmers to withdraw from homesteads through subsidy policies, especially some farmers who have settled down in the city will be more active. Yan Yuejin said.

According to the reporter of “Daily Economic News”, the direct subsidy for buying a house has been available since the second half of 2019. For example, in October 2019, Suzhou, Anhui issued a policy to provide full financial subsidies for the deed tax on agricultural migrants who purchased the first commercial housing in the main urban area; Sichuan Dazhou New Policy supports large enterprises to participate in soil auctions and purchase ordinary housing; subsidies can be obtained; Fushun County, Zigong City has issued detailed rules for the implementation of subsidies. For residents who buy a house in the first half of 2020, they can enjoy a financial subsidy of 200 yuan per square meter.

Compared with the subsidy policies for buying houses in other regions, Funing County’s approach is slightly different. Yan Yuejin told reporters, “In addition to Suzhou, Zigong, Fushun, and Dazhou, at least four cities across the country have subsidized home purchases from different angles. The first three cities are more focused on returning home ownership and destocking. Ning ’s approach is more from the perspective of farmers entering the market and farmers entering the city to buy a house. “