This article is from the public account of Wise Finance (ID: onecaijing), author Xia Yumeng, and Ai Faner released with permission.

“Ranked 49th, 50 are in line. Estimated responses from 9:00 to 9:10.”

Worker Zhou Kai found that starting to use Didi to call a car has become more difficult since Monday, and the number of people in the queue has jumped from about 20 to 50. “I called at 8 o’clock on Monday. I need to wait for an hour. In the end, I can only do subway.”

Not only Zhou Kai, but Wu Zhuang, who works in Xidan Joy City, also found that it was difficult to get a car not only in the morning but also at night when he got off work. “I usually go to work for dinner at 10 o’clock in the evening, and I go home at 11 o’clock.”

Wise Finance also experienced the Didi taxi in Xidan at 11 pm, but it showed that there were more than 30 people in the queue and it took more than half an hour to wait.

Usually, these large-scale queuing scenarios occur at New Year’s Eve or morning and evening peaks, and there are few cases where queuing is still near zero.

According to the data from Didi Chuxing’s platform, from January 21st to February 3rd (from the seventh day of the lunar calendar to the tenth day of the first month of the lunar month), the national average taxi success rate will drop by 16%. Among them, January 24-January 26, January 31 will be the most difficult 4 days to take a taxi.

Obviously, the hardest days for taxis keep coming.

Most non-Beijing drivers have returned home

“I opened Didi