Introducing, You only need to rent a three-bedroom, two-living house in the community, and you can host a “meal delivery” class of about 50 people. There are usually three teachers in this kind of “meal-sending” class, and only one of them needs to have a teacher qualification certificate. Many teachers in the “meal-sending” class are recruited from the students who are studying in the nearby colleges and universities.

The scale of a “meal delivery” class of about 50 people generally does not require 3 teachers to supervise and counsel at the scene at the same time. In many cases, one teacher is sufficient during a “meal delivery” period, so many teachers start or Participated in multiple “meal delivery” classes.

The catering supply cost of the “meal delivery” class is not high, they are all simple cauldron meals , and the price cost is not high; There is no need to hire a chef to cook, Generally, the idle labor in the founder’s home is involved, and the feeding problem is solved .

From the point of view of fees, at present, one meal period is about 500-600 yuan / month / birth, and two meal periods are about 1200-1300 yuan / month / birth. Of course, there are also differences in the prices of “meal delivery” classes on the market. As for the two-hour classes, the difference between the highest price and the lowest price is about 200 yuan.

Master Huang said, In the past few years, teachers have made a lot of money to run “meal delivery” classes. The income of “meal delivery” classes is several times the salary of a teacher. “You Look at those teachers who are not driving luxury cars, how many houses are there in the urban area? “

In the view of Master Huang, The teacher qualification certificate is the only market threshold. As long as there is a teacher qualification certificate, a “meal delivery” class can be run. This certificate is the basic standard recognized by parents. “Of course, enrollment is not a problem,” said Master Huang. “Every elementary school student has to send meals. At the beginning of the school, 30 students will be recruited as soon as a small advertisement is posted at the campus entrance. Word of mouth spread naturally, how powerful WeChat groups are now! “