Looking at the draft from the perspective of capital, looking at capital from the perspective of data

Editor’s note: This article comes from WeChat public account “ FUNJI Seed Melon Base ” (ID: FUNJIdata), the author’s house research data.

How do you judge the future of an artist?

In addition to personal factors such as face value, talent, and talent, everyone has also consciously viewed the world from the perspective of capital .

The company from which the artist comes from seems to be deciding how far he can go. In today’s fierce competition and the artist’s career cycle is shorter than in the past, it is also necessary to study the idol agency behind the draft artist.

Do you know how many companies in the country have the ability to send artists to draft shows?

FUNJI checked the data of 507 players from “Idol Trainee”, “Creation 101”, “In the Name of the Group”, “Youth Has You”, and “Creation Camp 2019”. Among these players, a total of 20 people appeared as individual trainees, and the remaining 487 people came from 162 brokerage companies.

How far can the capital send the show artist?

162 This number still seems quite large, but The power gap is really big :

Judging from the artist’s manufacturing capabilities, there are not many companies that can continue to send and choose talents. Companies with 50% have sent only one player to the show so far, and companies that can continue to select 10 or more players, only 7 nationwide Home.

How far can Capital send talented artists to go? The 7 “show talents” The “factories” are: Leroy Entertainment, Banana Entertainment, Awakening Oriental, Leading Department (Komi / 1CM), Mai Rui Entertainment, Carpenter Entertainment, and Siba Media. The well-known companies such as Wow, Wow Entertainment, Sure Sky, and Kunyin Entertainment also followed them. The number of senders is more than 6 people, and they can join the group.

How far can Capital send talents? p>

In a way, drafts are like running a school.

Like key middle schools, some idol agencies have higher visibility and trust, can attract better students, and therefore form a positive cycle, and their ability to continue to select and send artists is becoming stronger.

But not all companies can become stronger. According to FUNJI data, although there are many players sent by some companies, none of them can reach the finals. It can be seen that looking at the brokerage company by head count is definitely not enough. We also need new data to reflect the strength of the company.

If the school considers the promotion rate and the duplicate rate, then the agency should consider the final rate and debut rate .

Based on the data of the four-level program of occasional practice, 101, youth, and creative camp with relatively consistent game systems, we have counted the round trip rate and final rate of all the brokers who selected more than 3 strong players. And debut rate.

The specific definition is as follows:

Round trip rate: Proportion of players who were eliminated in the first round in the overall selection;

Final rate: Proportion of the finalists in the overall selection;

Debut rate: Proportion of players who made a debut based on the show in the final;

If the player is not in a round tour or retired, and does not reach the final, we will count it as “Midway Elimination Rate”;

How far can Capital send talented artists? In 4 programs, A total of 52 companies have sent 3 players and above, including 44% Companies have never made it to the finals. According to the three figures mentioned above, we can divide the brokerage companies into the following types:

I. “Pure Cannon Fodder” Company

A pure cannon fodder company refers to a brokerage company where players have a round-trip rate of> 70% and no one can advance to the final. There are a total of companies like this 9 , and there are 4 companies The player is 100% one-round tour (it’s a bit too shameful to let go of the name).

Although the numbers are bleak, it’s not surprising to see the nature of these companies’ businesses.

Idol agents are mostly not their main business, and they haven’t practiced large size. The players they send are more likely to take the film and television route in the future. The company sends people into the program. It may be that they want to let the children exercise and see the world without making too much investment.

If you like the younger brothers and sisters from these companies in the future draft, please adjust your mentality and go to the show to watch him ~

How far can Capital send a show artist?