In 2000, there weren’t tens of millions of cars riding in the middle of the road to sleepwalk collectively. People with driving licenses really drive. There is nothing to raise the car, no vibrato, no tiger brother, no matter how big Martha Guo Meimei entered the Forbidden City, it is not as good as someone standing on the side of the road and waving to Xiali, a black plastic head in his trouser pocket The metal key is inflating.

One day more than a decade ago, my family finally had enough RMB to exchange the first private car for the second. The former is said to be a private car, but it is not a narrow passenger car-in terms of today’s industry statistics. The deepest impression in my memories is that the central aisle in the car is flat enough to let you lie down and swipe your mobile phone. The front and back rows can easily enable a crutched disabled person to pan left and right; the three rows of seats are down and it is running on the ground. Yun-20, all standing up, it can plug the entire Rainbow Choir. At that time, the back row could even be legally unworthy of a seat belt. Now you haven’t seen such a fetish. The light of Wuling has followed the rules, and the barbarous van era has passed.

When another brand new sedan with four front doors, four doors and dark blue metallic paint reflecting the colorful parking for the first time stopped downstairs in my house, my grandfather just pressed the button on the four There is no interest in the magical windows that will swell automatically. He was just surprised, why did he only squeeze five people in exchange for a four-fold thick RMB? I have to say that this worry is very reasonable, because there were six people in my family.

This kind of reasonable and pragmatic realism thinking that comes from life is the theoretical basis of all the “characteristic” phenomena in the Chinese automobile market today. If you are in the place, you can’t blame it.

So, you can see how the anti-trend operation product of this rare BMW X3, which has not been promoted after being produced in China, is an anti-trend operation. It was officially listed on the 3rd day of the 4S store and was 88mm long by the Audi Q5L. On the 106th day of its launch, Mercedes-Benz brought back an extra 100mm of GLC-L.