This article is from public number: On line (ID: fenda_zaih) , author: Xue resolutely

Now many companies have gradually resumed work, but different industriesRecovery is not the same. For example, Internet companies may work from home, but companies that have production tools such as catering and manufacturing must be closely integrated, and their return to work is not so easy. There are still many companies whose industry chains have been affected. It will take time to wait and see when they can fully return to normal.

There have been many recent reports. Everyone knows that many companies are facing huge short-term cash flow pressure. The epidemic will also affect the performance expectations of corporate managers. When the expectations are not very optimistic, labor costs are likely to be cut first.

Because the necessary cost of the company’s operation is difficult to reduce, but the labor cost is mostly flexible. The work previously performed by five people may also be capable of four people, and an employee with a monthly salary of 10,000. The cost may be between 16 and 18, which is not even the office cost.

The corporate environment will definitely have an impact on job applicants.

Workers and job seekers in these areas must be prepared

From a geographical perspective, the impact of the third, fourth, and fifth-tier cities will be smaller because of the relatively small labor gap and the lack of large-scale personnel movements. However, if these friends originally planned to go to first-tier or second-tier cities for employment, they may encounter difficulties in going out in the short term and renting a house will also become a problem. The employment pressure of these people will affect the employment environment of the original place of residence.

Wuhan is naturally the most affected city, but in cities such as Beishangguangshen, which have a large number of migrants, a large number of employees, and a large number of vacancies, the recruitment scale may be reduced in the next two to three months. Obviously, cities like Chengdu, Xi’an, Hangzhou, Wuxi, and Suzhou may all be similar.

From the perspective of the type of enterprise, the overall change of state-owned enterprises may not be particularly significant, but listed companies and some private enterprises are more cost-sensitive, and recruitment may be extremely cautious.

Graduate students do n’t worry, you still have a chance

From a crowd perspective, the biggest impact is probably on campus recruitment. Many large companies have started campus recruitment since September last year, but after the results of the postgraduate entrance examination in February, companies will start to recruit a group of students who fail to pass the postgraduate entrance examination. However, this year’s entire series of postgraduate entrance examinations, retests, etc. will be delayed, so it is very likely that after the epidemic has basically passed, there may be a peak period for graduates seeking employment in May.

Under such a situation, if the situation of the company itself is not so optimistic, a large number of newly graduates may cause imbalance in supply and demand. This may be even worse for students who have graduated this year but have not yet determined their offer.

This year’s gold, silver, and silver will definitely be postponed. Many job seekers are hoping to get a salary increase by changing jobs after the Spring Festival, but this year’s situation may not be very optimistic.

For the current situation, I have these suggestions for you

From a macro perspective, the situation is really not good. However, from the individual micro-level, if there are some buddies who are in professional transition and have barely quit before the Spring Festival, there is no need to be discouraged. After all, people always do their jobs, and the scale of business recruitment will shrink, but it will not be completely closed. So don’t put the pessimism on the fundamentals on yourself. Everyone is looking for a case after all.

The case will still meet the 28 principle. That is, there will still be 20% of people, regardless of his personal ability or his field, still in a relatively sought-after state. The only difference is that many headhunters have contacted you before, but now there may be only two or three, but there is still room for bargaining in positions with unbalanced supply and demand in the market.

It’s just for the friends who are not particularly hard in the hand, I would suggest that everyone be a little more secure at this time. This is not fear or fear, because the epidemic situation is actually a sudden state, and the recruitment market suddenly held down a pause button, but after this incident has passed, there may still be some blowouts in demand.

When the tide receded, I knew who was wearing no swimming trunks. The more it slows down or suspends, the easier it will be to see everyone’s balance. So I would like to ask every job seeker to calm down and think about what is the next growth goal on the road to personal career growth?

In addition to the continuous training and improvement of professional skills, you should also pay more attention to the changes and trends in your field. When you can have some first-mover advantage over the average person in this big change, it is likely to quickly stand out.

Work hard and discover opportunities from challenges

Although we are faced with huge uncertainty and pessimism, we need not be intimidated by pessimistic information. Development of societyThere must be waves and valleys in the exhibition. Our personal growth is to cross these peaks and valleys, to ensure that our personal growth is an upward curve. Social development always stagnates for a certain period of time, but this stagnation may be just when we are practicing our internal skills, this is what we as individuals should do.

Graduates this year, naked before the Spring Festival, or the company they ca n’t support, they are forced to start looking for work partners, especially not to magnify pessimism. We have experienced fast lanes and rocket launchers, but this world will not always be like that. In difficult times, it may take more effort to keep up with previous levels, but such experiences are likely to allow us to grow faster.

In the special stage, you will need to rely on internal recommendations, so you can take a look at your network, especially some “weak links”, and see if it is possible to get some recommendations.

Do more things within your ability. If you do n’t have the time to participate in organizing the society and community epidemic service work, you will be able to exercise a stronger comprehensive ability and make yourself stand out.

It is not easy to look at the problem from another angle, but it is very likely to become a very valuable accumulation in future career growth.

This article is from the public number: line (ID: fenda_zaih) , author: Xue decided < / p>