This article comes from the WeChat public account “Tencent ISUX” (ID: tencent_isux), which is released by Aifaner with authorization .

Life is a dramatic performance process, and people are the protagonists of this performance. Looking back, do you remember those carefully set avatars and interest tags? The time has come now, and the post-00s are already on the social stage. They have rich material conditions. They grew up with mobile phones. They talked about the “black words” of expansion, cqy, and harem friends.

When the post-00s create people for their online social networks, how will they behave differently? Back to design itself, what are the constant techniques that can help users build and apply human settings? With these doubts, this “old aunt” expanded the group under the hood, traversed the emerging social applications, and took you to the things that the Kangkang 00 postman set up.

DIFFERENCE: Man-made expression has changed a lot

1. From broad category interests to segment attributes

-General App: Please choose your hobbies: watching drama, music, two-dimensional …

-00 After: How do I talk to a Korean drama watcher when watching an English drama? As a JK mother, how do I make friends with people in the lo circle?

For 00, Music, TravelThis broad interest classification is no longer sufficient to define themselves, they need more subdivided labels.

Tags are more vertically subdivided: Compared with other generations, post-00s have more information channels and material foundations, and various niche interests are developed and spread. Their circle of interest is more diverse and subtle, hiding the chain of contempt. In the past, the major categories of interest tags have been unable to satisfy their interest positioning. So products need to provide more detailed and specific interest classifications. But be aware that too many options can make it difficult for users to choose. If the user magnitude is too small, too fine classification will also reduce the chance of successful matching.

Relationship-based social networking: After 00, who live a simple campus life, have a special desire for adult relationships. In language C, they construct a virtual class, and in the expanded group, they recognize each other as masters, harems, and brothers. These relationships satisfy their fantasies about the adult world and become a social asset they can show off. Some apps take advantage of this preference and add the item of wanting to expand the relationship to the settings. This relationship-based society will motivate the two parties to interact to complete the corresponding duties (such as the master responding to the apprentice’s request), effectively improving user retention and loyalty. And there are users who can discover more other related users based on the relationship.

2. From flat text to more “realistic” expressions

-General app: Upload avatars and photos to let others know you better.

-00: I have voice control, hand control, clavicle control, various controls.

After 00 is in adolescence with the most concern for self-image. However, most of the time they live in a disciplined campus, the desire to show and dress themselves cannot be fully satisfied offline. At this time the line became the outlet of this desire. With the improvement of mobile phone performance and 3D technology, the virtual world has become closer and closer to the real world. In the establishment of human settings, we can also see such a “realistic” trend. People are displaying and beautifying you in reality through various technical means.

Multi-angle sound display: Sound can convey rich feelings, and the voice control army is also expanding. Recording a townhouse sound is just the basic operation. Various gameplay methods of today’s social applications encourage users to show the charm of sound from multiple angles. (1) Interview type: Use the strong guidance method of interviews to dig inside and help users express their characteristics. (2) Singing: Select a short song to guide users to sing. Songs are cheap to sing, sound expressive, and more appealing than mere conversation. (3) Reading aloud: Users read aloud according to the text or script given by the application. This type of sound gameplay focuses on inspiring emotions in the user’s voice in order to attract the audience.

Realistic interaction of avatars: The avatars meet the desire of adolescent students for a beautiful self-image. In addition to the basic face pinch and dress up, its interactive method has also been extended to more scenes. Apps such as snapchat use avatars in emoticons and avatars, or let users video chat through avatars, reducing privacy leaks. There are also some apps that go further in the direction of realism. For example, adding scenes in ordinary chat, users can move around freely. Or create some offline scenes that young people like, such as avatars jumping online, and choose dance moves. But at present, the interaction mode of the avatar itself is relatively limited, and it is impossible to communicate through limbs and the like as in real life, which provides an imagination space for the future avatar society.


Offline expansion of real photos: We have become accustomed to the requirement of uploading photos. However, the emerging social media applications are more “hardcore”. How can a single picture look at the face? How to meet the needs of hand control, clavicle control, and leg control? These applications are designed to encourage users to upload multiple pictures and show themselves in all directions.

On the other hand, because Yan value social network has a strong offline purpose, some apps are also expanding the offline scene of Yan value. Features such as offline face scanning and adding friends, tagging friends, etc., allow Yanren to naturally transition to offline scenes.

3. From looking only at face value to digging inside

-Ordinary App: Nice little brother and sister are waiting for you ~

-00: Capricorn will conflict with Aries, PASS ! You actually think you can continue to be friends after breaking up, PASS!

For 00 generations, there is no need to continue online social relationships offline. Since it is impossible to see the real person, the importance of face value is greatly reduced. On the opposite side of social networking, there is a type of application that focuses on three-view matching and soul socialization. They try to uncover more user attributes of users by digging their hearts.

Psychological tests: Through psychological tests, you can tag users with different people and categorize them. The people formed in this way seem to be scientific, but the results are too abstract and unstructured, which is difficult to apply to user screening and ice breaking topics. To avoid these drawbacks, try a variant of the psychological test-a voting test. Its time-consuming, conflicting and test results are clear and simple, so it can generate topics well and trigger communication.


Gameplay test: The results of the psychological test of the answer category lack change, and the gameplay is a bit boring. Some applications add psychological testing to the gamification element to increase fun. For example, the product can judge the personality of the user by drawing pictures, and the QQ applet can predict the matching degree of the two users by the fitting degree of the two sides. This kind of personal establishment method will generate UGC content, trigger secondary communication, and promote other users’ participation.

Q & A: Hinge’s app allows users to answer specific questions to enrich their settings. Users can also set their own questions and wait for others to answer. Compared with psychological tests, the answers to questions are more personalized and are more likely to trigger follow-up topics. However, it should be noted that due to the long process and content of the question and answer, the recognition and social efficiency of human settings are low. Therefore, it is suitable for romance and slow social applications, and is not suitable for fast food social discovery scenarios.

4. From self-evaluation to the perspective of others

-General social software: Please fill in your user profile.

-00 After: Everyone I’ve talked to knows that I’m a stubborn chatter, I like mad monsters, and the words are not sticky, my sister knows me.

“Ego” is formed in the minds of those around you and then delivered to me. Many behaviors in the extended culture that likes to be post-00 have a commitment nature. Users’ QQ expansion declarations often have requirements for raising sparks and mutual praise. These tags rely on reviews from other participants. The evaluation of others helps to increase the authenticity and richness of user settings. For example, QQ sets a message area in the user profile, and others can comment on you here. You can also invite friends to tag you at the appropriate interactive nodes, such as the end of the chat and the end of the voice. If you want to further increase user stickiness, you may wish to add gamification mechanisms, such as the card mode. This method can encourage users to collect reviews and promote interaction between friends.

SIMLARITY: Tips for guiding users to improve their settings

-People are lazy, no generation can escape this spell.

How to make lazy users willingly perfect their personal settings?

1. Motivation: guide users to perfect their settings in the appropriate scenarios

Blocking key interaction processes: Set thresholds for key interaction processes. Interactions can only be completed after the necessary personal information is improved. For example, the Friends app, users must fill in all user information before they can match chat. It should be noted that this method interrupts the user’s current operation and is only suitable for guiding the user to fill in the necessary personal information.

Using social incentives: Social incentives can be implemented in two ways. First, I want to make use of herd mentality. When users view other people’s personal settings, the design can provide a quick way to set their own personal settings. Second, satisfy vanity and inform users that high-quality people will bring better social achievements. For example, the application can invite others to rate photos. The higher the quality of photos uploaded by users, the higher the score. It can also predict what kind of person the user’s current personal information can match. If you want to match the male goddess and goddess, you have to work harder to perfect your own settings ~

2. Cost reduction: reduce the mental cost of users to create a person

It’s not easy to describe yourself. When setting up online settings, it also needs some ways to reduce users’ thinking costs.

System pre-filling: The system can mine user data and pre-fill some information. First, the information that the user has filled in in other scenarios can be directly reused in the man-made scenario. Second, analyze user behavior. Use the behavioral data that users have deposited in the platform to help users pre-fill personal information. For example, analyzing the groups that a user has added can predict the user’s interests and demographics. Third, collaborative analysis. Collaboratively predict user characteristics based on the user’s friend’s behavior and data of other users who have the same behavior. Pay attention to privacy issues when using this method, and you may wish to give users the right to choose whether to use this pre-filled method.

Give an example: Faced with unstructured information such as expanded posts or townhouse sounds, users will feel at a loss and do n’t know what to fill in. May wish to give the user some guidance. The application can choose to provide examples to the user, for example, it can give some demonstration words when recording the town building sound. You can also consider using a strong guidance method to break a large person into several parts and gradually guide the user to fill it out.

Abandon the blank question and try the dialogue: Faced with rich content, traditional form-based filling tests the user’s patience. Instead of throwing all the content to the user, it is better to break it down and gradually guide the user to fill it out using dialog methods. In addition to the traditional step-by-step filling, the product can be guided by a dialogue robot. The human settings and interesting words of the robot can make the boring filling process interesting and improve the completion.

3. Expression: increase the recognition of humans

After personal information becomes rich, how to ensure that users can quickly identify other personal devices?

Information “tagging”: The rich personal content brings a lot of unstructured information. For example, QQ extensions are full of long text posts, making it difficult for users to quickly identify key information. At this point we need to “tag” this information. For example, key information labels can be displayed directly in the user card, allowing users to make quick decisions. Information about rich media types, such as sound, requires a certain conversion before it can be labeled. For example, the application can extract the timbre part of the user’s voice and tag it such as loli sound and royal sister sound. You can also convert sound information to text subtitles for quick viewing.

Highlight the common ground: People set priority to serve others, followed by themselves. We set up people to love other people. So in the design, you may want to highlight the similarities between the audience and the user, and promote the next interaction. For example, when viewing the settings of others, you can use dynamic design, highlighting and other design methods to highlight them at the same label as yourself. Get users interested in others quickly.

STEP FURTHER: Let people set apps into the product’s growth circuit

-Ordinary settings: a meal is as fierce as a tiger, seeing the results 0-5

Which perfect user-created device is not a pity if you just lie quietly in the user profile? The rich information contained in human devices can be fully integrated into the product’s growth loop, providing growth possibilities for all aspects of social products.

Fully expand the application scenarios of human settings: Human settings are not only used to identify each other, it can also be an auxiliary element in various social links. In chat icebreakers, human settings can be used to elicit icebreaking topics. In social interaction, human settings can become part of the interaction itself. For example, a virtual image can directly interact with other people in the space.

The human content is interactive: Static human content can only play the role of “seeing”, but when the interactive feature is added to the human content, the human content itself can become very good. Icebreaker with interactive triggers. For example, the voice business card in the human setting adds a chanting and reply function, and the user can interact with the counterpart’s voice business card to quickly break the ice. Another example is that Hinge allows users to add quiz questions in the settings, other users can answer, and the answer can be matched successfully.

Renxue itself has a spreading nature: Renxue represents the ideal self of the user to a certain extent, and it has the attribute of sharing itself. So do n’t forget to provide “materials” for users to share in the custom design. Zenly will provide users with a variety of beautiful templates to showcase their information, and encourage users to share their own “business cards”. In addition to “business cards”, people can also explore other sharing modes. For example, some applications use human adjectives to generate wallpapers for users to use. Let people set up a part of the product transmission channel, bringing user growth.


Life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills. When it came to the main stage of social networking after 00, designers would inevitably feel panic when designing for their online people. Because after all we are different. They are in a unique life stage and have a unique environment for growth. So the people they like are more vertical, realistic, more interactive, and more interactive. But we are actually the same. We also follow the characteristics of human nature, and we can use similar methods to motivate them to improve the human design according to the product goals.

Personality is just the beginning of socializing. If you want to help users make friends successfully, you also need to find several mountains, such as matching, ice breaking, and relationship sedimentation. The secrets of this “old aunt” still need to continue to explore o (*  ̄)  ̄ *) o.