It’s time to learn what a true cloud office is.

Editor’s note: This article comes from WeChat public account “LinkedIn” (ID: LinkedIn-China) , Author Jenny Joe.

This outbreak has two keywords, one is “home” and the other is “remote office”.

Under the premise of ensuring efficiency, remote office can not only help the company save costs, but also help to balance career and family.

So many people are discussing whether cloud office will become the new normal in the near future.

But cloud office is just working from home?

Society is developing rapidly and is full of change every day. Great people can adapt quickly because they have the ability to iterate quickly.

The shift from offline to online is actually an upgrade of capabilities. It’s time to learn what a true cloud office is.

300 million people work in the cloud during the epidemic, Large real incense scene

In 2019, the number of remote workers in China is about 5.3 million.

On February 3, 2020, the first day of the resumption of work in China, 200 million people nationwide joined the “cloud office” team. On February 26, this number increased to 300 million.

Later, during class, bundi, drinking, all moved to the cloud. Recently I heard that there are still people staying in a live room for a day just to learn while listening to the background sound.

Some people predict that SARS in 2003 will achieve e-commerce, 20 years of pneumonia, and cloud office.

The talk show actor Bloomberg revealed that when Xiaoguo Culture held its first online conference, no one knew how to operate.

Later, everyone gradually became familiar with online office. From the project establishment, planning, live recording, to the later review, you can easily complete online.

The cloud office has actually matured abroad.

If you have to work remotely throughout the year, who will be eliminated first?

According to statistics, in 2017, 24% of companies worldwide adopted remote office methods. It is predicted that by 2020, 50% of global technology companies will realize remote working.

For example, American startup Buffer, a social account management software.

Employees come from all over the world, and there is no physical office space, but the company has grown to 90 employees and more than 70,000 customers, including large companies such as Microsoft.

In foreign countries, work from home is a mature policy, and employees can apply to work from home as appropriate.

Of course, this is based on the maturity of remote software equipment, so that employees can send and receive emails at home, log in to the company’s system, and process information in a timely manner.

In China, most of the so-called telecommuting still stays on WeChat-based remote communication. The lack of office conditions has resulted in cloud office being only a transitional means in an extraordinary period.

The “pseudo” online office fire, but trouble is here

Some netizens said that the remote work of this epidemic started very cool, but then panicked.

It was 996 in the company, but now it is 007 at home. Obviously, commuting time is saved, but working time is getting longer.

Even more embarrassing is the increase in workload.

Before the epidemic, we walked over to a person’s work station and explained an urgent matter. Want to know the progress of the project, find the person in charge and ask to know.

But after working online, none of this can be done. Our communication changed from face to face, head to head. What used to be simple is now impossible to get started.

If you work remotely all year, who will be eliminated first?

Today, major companies have resumed work and resumed production, and the workload of statistics is very large. When we were in the office, we passed a form to each other and it was completed in a few minutes.

Results Now, our colleagues in the personnel department have broken down, sending messages in the WeChat group every day to count everyone’s physical condition, but also to understand the detailed schedule of these people, collect them and then count them in the table.

This “online” is just “pseudo online.”

The way we communicate has changed, but our office capabilities have not been upgraded and synchronized, and of course the efficiency is very low.

However, although some online office tools meet our communication needs, they do not solve the follow-up problems of work, and many projects are easily delayed.

Wen Fu, director of a company’s short video department, knows it well.

He recalls the state of his remote office, saying that summing it up in one word is “urging”.

Every meeting, after finishing a shooting plan, you have to rotate the actors, the director, perform the post,