This article is from WeChat public account: Operation Research Agency (ID: U_quan ), author: routine editorial department, the original title: “Taobao flagship store as much fake ‘, 10 million people cheated how it | non fools? Festival Joke “, head picture from: text

Not long ago, I gave my colleague Amway’s colourpop lipstick. In order to make her chop easier, I told her to go directly to the Taobao flagship store.

As a result, she recently told me that this flagship store with “Brand Direct” and “Quality Assurance” signs, from name to product, is really a fake store …

The brand side has also made a voice, but because cross-border rights protection is more difficult, it can only be used to spread rumors from Weibo, and its communication is limited:

The flagship store used to be a guarantee of authenticity in my heart. Can it still be a fake store? Thinking about it this way, I feel that I have bought a lot of things in the flagship store before. I was scared to hurry up and chop.

I do n’t know, in addition to the flagship store of cosmetics, as well as the flagship store of sports shoes that boys love, and the flagship store of underwear that everyone needs, all have risks!

I made a rough calculation. There are nearly ten million victims in the fake flagship stores I found …

1. Which flagship stores are “fake”?

Strictly speaking, it is not that the Taobao flagship store is fake, but that the brand applying for the flagship store is “false”.

Because many foreign brands have not settled in the country, some unscrupulous businesses have seized the “business opportunities”. They pre-registered the trademark of the brand name in advance in China, relying on the time difference of consumer awareness, posing as the original brand and opened a “flagship store”.

These “flagship stores” not only have the same name, but even the products are completely copied according to the original brand. They even set up “fake” offline counters …

Brands directly posing as domestic unofficial websites

Although some foreign brands have a certain reputation in the country, they have not officially settled in the country, such as the American cosmetics brand colourpop we just mentioned.

So what’s going on with this so-called “colourpop flagship store” on Taobao?

In order to find the answer, I checked the store’s corporate qualifications and found that the company was registered in Guangzhou and named “Guangzhou Kara Bubble Trading Company”.

Strange, the colourpop brand belongs to a Los Angeles studio, but the registered address of this company is in a residential area in China?

Not only that, this company has no foreign investment, and its legal person is also Chinese:

Combining this series of evidence, the answer is obvious-

This cosmetics company in Guangzhou has registered the colourpop brand trademark in China. When the brand has not yet settled in China, it is under the guise of “official flagship store”, which makes people mistakenly believe that this store is the Los Angeles colourpop .

In addition to the name, this company also “does a complete set of play”, copied the entire product line of the original brand, not only the name and logo are exactly the same, all the products in the store are also very similar, even my online shopping veteran Cheated:

These are products that are “as is”, and there are many items that have sold over 10,000 a month: