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wine found in ancient Roman tombs (picture source: DPA)
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In 2010, diver Eckstrom (Christian Ekstrom) found a shipwreck site while diving in the Baltic Sea , And 30 bottles of Veuve Clicquot champagne. According to the survey, the shipwreck occurred between 1825 and 1830, which means that these champagnes should be about 200 years old. The diver then tasted one of the bottles. He said that the wine tasted sweet and even had a sense of bubbles. This is the oldest and still drinkable champagne known. The researchers said that it may be because the shipwreck is located in the deep sea, where the temperature is very low and there is no light, so the champagne is well preserved and does not deteriorate.

Frozen meat

If you want to eat meat after the end of the day, cold meat is definitely not considered, but can frozen meat stand the test of time? The meat can indeed be stored for a long time after freezing. Animal remains preserved in the permafrost in the Arctic or in glaciers may provide some reference for us.

In 1900, the famous Lebesovka mammoth was found in Siberian glaciers (Berezovka) . This mammoth lived about 40,000 years ago, and its meat looks very fresh in a frozen state. Adrian List (Adrian Lister) in “Mammoth” ( Mammoths) wrote: “ (Mammoth) the meat is dark red, and