The article comes from the WeChat public account: DT Finance (ID: DTcaijing) , author: Tim data: Luo Yu Jing, Xiong Pengpeng, design: Qi Zhen, Zou Lei

Recently, many readers hope that we will use data to talk about consumer changes.

The epidemic has filled many industries with uncertainty. Active practitioners always hope to get a glimpse of what the future looks like, and put in place the “dangerous organic” that is on the lips. The logic of dismantling new opportunities is actually that the epidemic has changed the behavior and psychology of consumers, which in turn has an impact on business.

Some time ago, we did a small survey on “Has your consumption habits changed since the epidemic?” In more than 300 valid answers, 80% of people think they will not retaliate after the epidemic. , The rest mainly want to retaliate with milk tea and hot pot.

However, more than half of the people seriously answered the question of “true fragrance products found during the epidemic.” The answers include but are not limited to ovens, kitchen utensils, fitness rings, sports bracelets, Dyson, smart home, convenience food … …

This survey result is a microcosm of the general trend: After the epidemic, there is a high probability that there will be no violent retaliatory consumption, and it is difficult for businesses sitting on the spot to be surprised; however, the epidemic has given consumers a lot of early adopters Many people feel the real fragrance after they have tasted it, thus opening the door to a new world.

And behind these opened doors is the opportunity and development space that we can pay attention to.

How does the epidemic affect business through consumers?

Let ’s look at a few sets of background data first.

The data from Youmeng + shows that before the Spring Festival (1.1 ~ 1.23) (1.24 ~ 2.10) daily active volume of mobile devices increased after New Year ’s Eve 3.9%, the average length of user APP has increased by 28 minutes.

Forcing home life to allow more people to use the mobile Internet for a longer period of time, many new behaviors and consumption concepts have been forcibly educated.

Some people suspect that this kind of market education may not be effective, and the impact will end with a large-scale resumption of work.

However, we noticed that after March, the average usage time of users ’apps only fell by 2.5% compared with the peak hours, and was still 9% higher than before the Spring Festival.

That is to say, even if the office workers have gone out to work, the cloud life is still more active than before the epidemic. Some early adopting behaviors have become habitually retained, and more offline behaviors are truly transferred to the online. .

Another set of data is the latest economic data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on March 16. Unsurprisingly, affected by the epidemic, the consumption of goods and services fell sharply from January to February 2020, of which the retail sales of commodities fell by 17.6% year-on-year, the revenue from catering decreased by 43.1%, and the revenue from guest rooms above designated size fell by nearly 50% … Amidst a decline, online retail sales of physical goods nationwide increased by 3% year-on-year.

Data from the Bureau of Statistics also show that online retail sales of wearing physical goods have declined. Therefore, the online physical consumption figures pushed up against the trend, undoubtedly because of the emergence of new consumer categories to take over everyone’s enthusiasm for wallets.

From the perspective of consumption structure, the online retail sales of physical goods in the country continue to expand as a percentage of total social retail sales. The data in February rose more than 5 percentage points year-on-year, and more and more consumption came from online channels.

In the short term, we can see the engine role played by online channels in promoting economic recovery. In February, Taobao added more than 1 million businesses, and Taobao ’s new live broadcast business increased by 719% month-on-month; in March, Taobao ’s Tmall ’s Hubei business resumption rate was close to 70%. But the longer-term impact is that the epidemic has really changed consumers’ consumer categories and behavior habits. We all know that changes in the demand side will be related to the next actions of many industries.

Kryptonite for the details of family life

Let ’s start with new consumer categories.

From what you can search on the first-line e-commerce website, you can roughly see that there have been some changes in consumer demand. In December last year, online shopping hot searches mainly focused on clothing, beauty and electronic products; after the outbreak of January, masks became the absolute protagonist of demand, and at the same time, some new keywords entered the hot search The front row, such as yoga mats, eggbeaters, ovens, kitchen shelves, etc.

It can be seen that during the time people stay at home, the needs of many family scenes are released or created.

These newly added demands are directly implemented into the distribution of wallets. Judging from the changes in the proportion of Tmall and Taobao’s consumption in each category in the last 4 months, there have been significant growths in the four categories of small household appliances, department stores, beauty and sports and outdoor products. Directly related to home life.