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WeChat “registered courtesy” event received 2 yuan red envelope, push in seconds

Activity description:
This activity is the “registration” launched by the WeChat public account “China Storage Grain Group Company Service Number” “Youli” activity
Activity steps:
WeChat scan code to follow the public account “China Storage Grain Group Company Service Number”-click “receive red envelopes”-click “receive red envelopes”-click banner –Click “Register”-Enter the corresponding information and click “OK”-Click “Go Now”-Enter the personal information and click “Submit”-Go back to the public account to receive the 2 yuan cash red envelope

Event reminder:
Personal information can go to baidu, pictures can be uploaded arbitrarily
After the submission is completed, the public account automatically pushes the red envelope, and you can get it to get 2 yuan cash red envelope.
Some WeChat trumpets (such as black numbers) are unsafe and cannot be received