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May 1-5 at 0 o’clock BOC APP5 yuan to buy iQiyi / Tencent video / Youku membership monthly card 0 o’clock on-time panic buying

The activity is limited to users with Chinese bank cards. Open the Bank of China APP and enter the bottom of life

Pull down to the bottom and you can see the 5 yuan open iQiyi Youku Tencent Video Member!

Bank of China 5 yuan to buy iQiyi / Tencent video / Youku membership monthly card_0 point on time to buy

May 1st-5th 0: 0 to grab each area, there are 2,000 places per day, please rush to grab it!

Event address: Bank of China APP-Bottom Life-Click on Audio and Video Entertainment-Click on the video membership brand you need to buy, and click on the corresponding event entrance