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Post Bank APP signed in continuously to get Jingdong E card, 7-30 days Tencent video membership and other rewards

People with postal cards can download the postal bank app. There is a check-in in the upper right corner of the personal center. After entering, continuous check-in can get growth value

20 points of growth value can be exchanged for Tencent video members and Youku membership weekly cards, and 80 points of growth value can be exchanged for 1 month Tencent video members

Xiaobian calculated a continuous signing for one month to get 125 growth points! Can redeem 7 + 7 + 30 days Tencent video members!

Activity Address: Postbank APP– my – the top right – Sign courteous

Postal Bank APP successively signed in to get 1-20 yuan Jingdong E card _7-30 days Tencent video membership and other rewards