What to eat for blood

Anemia symptoms in daily life are many people Yes, especially for women who have experienced menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, etc., so it is very important to replenish blood in a timely manner, and diet is the best way to replenish blood, but not every food has a blood replenishing effect Yes, so what to eat for blood? Follow the editor to understand.

First of all, blood supplementation needs to eat more foods rich in nutrients such as iron, protein, vitamin C, and red meat and animal blood are more common in daily life. At the same time, eating more vegetables and fruits can also help blood, but compared to meaty foods, it contains less iron and is not easily absorbed by the body.

Secondly, carrots also have a good blood-enriching effect, because carrots are rich in vitamin B1, which can protect the nervous system, and also promote gastrointestinal motility and improve appetite. And once the human body lacks vitamin B1, it is easy to cause mild to moderate iron deficiency anemia, as well as angular cheilitis and other problems. Therefore, eating some carrots properly can not only replenish blood, but also benefit the health of the body.

Finally, spinach has a very good blood-enriching effect. Spinach not only contains a certain amount of iron, but also contains many nutrients such as carotene, vitamin C, calcium, folic acid, etc. Women who eat more spinach properly can prevent iron deficiency anemia, and also relieve chest pain and abdominal pain.