China News on May 27. Recently, Li Jian, a member of the CPPCC National Committee and deputy director of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, said in an interview with a reporter from China News Service that due to the complexity of the international epidemic situation, there is still a period of time on the international line. Long uncertain period. However, due to market demand, the Civil Aviation Administration will maintain the effective control of overseas imports in China, and will consider appropriately increasing flights. When asked about the recent “Five Ones” policy of high concern, Li Jian said that this policy is based on the more complicated international epidemic situation on March 12, formulated on March 26 and implemented on March 29. , That is, “one country, one airline, one flight per week, one flight”. The maximum planned volume is 134 flights, which will be expanded to 407 flights scheduled for execution on June 1st. The actual execution volume will be less than 407 flights affected by the route market factors.

(Originally titled: “Deputy Director of Civil Aviation Administration: Consider increasing flights on the premise of effective external control input”)