Thousands of workers became ill, the meat processing plant was forced to close, and there was a big problem with the supply of meat.


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  • Workers privately discuss the potential spread of the new crown virus, but factory supervisors come forward to refute rumors, and even warn them not to private Discuss who may be infected with the new coronavirus.

  • To avoid wearing a mask in the factory and causing unnecessary panic to other workers, factory supervisors are prohibited from being in the factory The act of wearing a mask inside.

  • New Coronavirus epidemic rages across US meat processing plants, caused the most severe meat supply crisis in the United States since World War II.

  • The cold, humid and crowded working environment of the meat processing plant makes this rapidly spreading epidemic even more hard to control.

    Editor’s note: The epidemic of new coronavirus continues to spread in the United States. During the spread of the epidemic, many meat processing plants have become “severely hit areas.” Why would a meat processing plant become a breeding ground for new coronavirus? This article from Bloomberg, the original title is