What's wrong with menstruation suddenly becoming black

For women, menstruation is a good friend, and its changes are closely related to women ’s physical health. Normal menstruation is more in the first two days and less in the next few days. And some people are very few from the time they come to Wu’an, and they want to know what is going on when menstruation suddenly becomes less and darker next time?

Menstruation suddenly becomes less and darker, which may be caused by qi stagnation and blood stasis. Because the discharge is not smooth, the amount of menstruation is relatively small. For women, it is necessary to eat some Chinese medicines after the end of menstruation to promote the endometrium shedding and regulate the menstrual disorders. Normal conditioning for a period of time, the menstrual volume and color will return to normal.

During menstruation, women need to pay attention to diet, spicy bars and foods made with chili should not be eaten, and cold foods should not be eaten. Women can eat hot noodles, lump soup, porridge and some mild fruits to ensure menstrual nutrition and avoid anemia.

During menstruation, many women do not pay attention until the color and amount of menstrual blood change. Abnormal long-term menstrual flow will affect conception, resulting in improper implantation of fertilized eggs. Women must pay attention. Pay attention not only in diet, but also in life, pay more attention to keep your abdomen warm, soak your feet, and promote blood circulation. In addition, if there is time, women still have to go outdoors to improve their physical condition.