What is going on with menstruation and blood

When menstruating, women will experience slight pain and menstrual blood is bright red. However, many women in life have menstrual blood that is black and shaped piece by piece. They are worried about problems with their bodies, so they want to know what happened to the next menstrual blood piece by piece?

Menstrual blood piece by piece, may be blood stasis, women will not only have rough facial skin, but also no gloss, easy to get acne. For this type of woman, you should always pay attention to keep your abdomen warm. You can put a thermos on the abdomen, or you can stick a warm palace sticker to promote blood circulation and improve blood stasis.

In the diet, women should also pay attention, even in summer, do not eat irritating food, and cold food. Things taken out of the refrigerator need to be left for a while to be eaten, and foods such as barbecues and hot pots are not nutritious. It is advisable to eat a few times a month. You can eat foods with high protein and low fat and vitamin C and E. In addition, women should pay attention to exercise, you can run, you can also shuttlecock, can also increase local resistance.

In addition, women should also pay attention not to wash their hands or clothes with cold water. During menstruation, do not get too tired and rest on time. For patients who often have blood clots and delayed menstruation, they need to go to the hospital for conditioning. Generally, conditioning for two weeks will improve.