Can I check the pelvic cavity with B-mode ultrasound

For people, b-ultrasound is a common inspection method. During pregnancy, you can clearly see the development of the fetus. When you are not pregnant, you can clearly see the position of the birth control ring. Can I check the pelvic cavity with B-mode ultrasound?

B-ultrasound can check whether there is fluid in the uterine cavity, or whether the uterine attachment is abnormal, which is a way to help diagnose pelvic inflammation. If you want to confirm the diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease, women can carry out smear examination and laparoscopy to clearly understand the situation in the pelvic cavity. Once they are found, they must be treated according to the guidance of the doctor.

There are two types of pelvic inflammatory disease, one is acute and the other is chronic. Acute pelvic inflammatory disease is mainly based on anti-infective treatment, which can be taken orally, intramuscularly, or through intravenous infusion to control the development of inflammation. At the same time, women can also drink Chinese medicine to regulate. In addition, people can also use physical treatment, which also helps to improve the nutritional status of local tissues.

If the condition of pelvic inflammatory disease is more serious, causing hydrosalpinx or ovarian cysts, surgery should be performed according to the situation to control the disease. So in life, people need to check regularly to understand the situation in the pelvis. If acute or chronic pelvic inflammatory disease occurs, treat it in time to avoid aggravating the condition and affecting the life of the couple.