What is wrong with menstrual blood and black blood residue

Menstruation comes once a month and reports on time every time. It is kindly called “good friend” by people. In normal menstruation, the amount is higher in the first two days and less in the next few days. The color is red, but some women’s menstruation is not red. So what’s wrong with menstrual blood and black blood residue?

There is some black blood residue in the menstruation, which may be the shedding of the endometrium. Because the uterus thickens, it will fall off regularly, and some people will see it if they have a lot of menstrual blood. If the black blood clot is relatively large, it may be caused by not paying attention to menstrual health care or other diseases, and you need to go to the hospital to see a doctor.

If you want to see a doctor, women need to do it 3-7 days after the end of menstruation, and do not have sex in the middle, otherwise the results will be inaccurate. If you do b-ultrasound, women need to hold back urine in advance. If you are doing yin-ultrasonography, you don’t need to hold your urine. You need to clean the urine to do it. People should pay attention.

It is normal for women to have some black blood residue in their menstruation. In life, women must pay attention to menstrual health care, can not eat irritating things, can not eat cold things, eat more foods containing vitamins and trace elements to supplement the nutrients needed by the body. In addition, during menstruation, women can not have sex, can not take a bath, can reduce uterine cavity infection.