21. Extremely startled
The baby boy appeared again!
The email box he used to email Zhang Gu was: qqs773@263.net.
A night story from start to finish.
Everyone fell asleep and the baby boy woke up.
He slowly opened his alien eyes, like the eyes of an owl, three. He had a clear view of the world in the dark. He crouched down on the branch, silent as a sculpture. He embraces a conspiracy, his expression is unknown, he can lie in motion for 10,000 years.
Everyone slept deeply, unaware of that vision.
Only Zhang Gu raised his head and glanced inadvertently at the tree. At first he found nothing but saw dense leaves. Suddenly, he saw that one of them was not a leaf, but a weird thing! His heart was unprepared, and he was shocked. He fixed his eyes and looked again, and found that the overwhelming number of leaves were not leaves, they were all the same strange things! Countless eyes are staring at him, he is completely paralyzed… The town residents collectively feel helpless.
A lot of people come to the 17th row of houses to ask about the ins and outs of things and want to have more information. And Zhang Gu became the focus of the focus, he answered everyone’s questions like an interview.
Finally, the kind Zhang Gu comforted everyone: “He just hurt me, it has nothing to do with you. Don’t panic too much.”
After everyone dispersed, he sat alone on the snow behind the house, Thinking of countermeasures.
He wanted to talk to Tie Zhu, but Tie Zhu was a policeman, and he would not believe in anything like ghosts. He can only rely on himself.
But he didn’t think of any good way to sit until it was dark.
Entering the house, his heart was as empty as he thought.
He dare not turn on the computer.
He was afraid to meet the eternal baby.
He thought he had turned into a dark body and everything would be fine…wrongly wrong! He will not disappear, he will never disappear, because he is a baby forever!
Zhang Gu knew that he was amazing.
In the past, the baby boy threatened everyone in the town. Zhang Gu felt that he was one of the people, and the goal was small. And now, the baby boy ignores everyone, he only hurt Zhang Gu alone.
Zhou Gu felt lonely at first.
He stood up and closed the back window tightly. The snow field outside the window was endless, and there was tall dry grass swaying in the night breeze. It was very barren. It was dark and a little gloomy. Then he bolted the door again.
He was lying on the bed and turned off the light.
The darkness surrounded him. Now that he couldn’t see anything, he was scared and turned on the light again.
The light pierced his eyes fiercely. Now that everything was seen, he was even more terrified, and quickly turned off the light again. Then, he grabbed the quilt and veiled it tightly on his head…
Outside, the dog barked again, barking very loudly. Impatience, soundHoarse, as if seeing something invisible to humans. I don’t know how long it took before the whisper went down. It went down and finally disappeared.
The surroundings are abnormally quiet.
Zhang Gu heard a rustling voice.
He slowly and slowly moved the quilt at the beginning, and at a glance, his computer turned on himself!
Then he saw the baby boy—he showed a little bit on the dark computer screen, muttering like a mantra in his mouth: “You abandoned me like that vicious woman… You want to debunk me…you forced me to burn myself…” Zhang Gulian rolled and climbed out of bed, rushing towards the door, hurriedly opened the latch, rushed out, shouted: “Help! ——Help!——” The baby boy followed.
It’s too dark, and there is no figure. The strange dog didn’t know where to hide.
Zhang Gu quickly ran on the snowy street, he kept calling for help. The baby boy was barefoot and his face was blue and he followed him closely. He doesn’t seem to breathe at all. In this icy snow, there is no white flower in his mouth.
Finally, Zhang Gu saw people, two, or three. They were standing on the side of the road in thick cotton coats. They could not clearly see their faces and expressions. They quietly watched this chase. , Extremely indifferent.
What happened to them? All turned into wooden people?
It’s none of their business, no one’s business. The baby boy ignored anyone and chased Zhang Gu alone!
Zhang Gu quickly ran to the suburbs. A wilderness, even people are gone.
He really can’t run, his legs are getting heavier. Looking back, the baby boy was still following him behind him. His face was blue, his eyes were fixed on Zhang Gu, and his two small legs were moved quickly, especially fast. He is not running, it is more like walking.
Suddenly, Zhang Gu saw the lonely house in the west suburb of the town! He didn’t know whether it was a blessing or a curse, and he rushed to the hospital in a hurry. The baby who was careful to walk, stepped over the thorns, jumped over the stones, followed closely, like a tank.
The house is dark, without lights.
Zhang Gu knocked on the door and stepped in. He saw the old lady sitting on the kang in the dark. Kang is covered with worn mats.
He said, “Save me!”
The old lady sneered at him and suddenly shouted, “Three minus one equals how many?”
He was stunned, and he didn’t know how to answer. .
The old lady then shouted sharply again: “Which is alive? Which is dead? Are you clear?”
He turned around and saw that the baby boy had come in. He was sitting on the threshold, blocking Zhang Gu’s retreat, looking at Zhang Gu gloomily…
Zhang Gu sat up from the bed.
He looked at the front in horror and back, the doors and windows were tightly closed. His body was soaked with cold sweat.
From nightmare to reality, shouldIt should be a long breath, but Zhang Gu’s real situation is not optimistic, much better than in his dream-the baby boy returned inexplicably.
Zhang Gu’s heart became more heavy.
Baby boys are ever-changing, baby boys are everywhere, baby boys cannot resist!
Zhang Guduo hopes it is still a dream now!
He looks forward to waking up again, the real world Yingge Yanwu, the sun is shining brightly. Just like what Zhou Dedong sang in the song-that pimple has no demons and ghosts, and the pimple residents are kind and innocent…
In that real world, he also gave a beautiful girlfriend, he was with her Chatting by the beautiful river, he said: “I just had a dream, a strange dream titled “Three minus one equals a few”. I dreamed that a scary baby boy appeared in the town. I offended him. He was in Notify me online, claiming my life. In that dream, I dreamed that I was asleep in bed, and had another dream. In that dream, the baby boy was resurrected from death. If you don’t chase, just chase me alone. No one will help me. I ran and ran, the baby boy finally drove me into a dark room… At this time, I woke up from the dream in that dream, I thought in my dream, now I am awake, not dreaming, the baby boy will soon come to claim his life… Don’t mention the horror!” In that real world, Zhang Gu also sees When Zhou Dedong, who he worshipped for a long time, even shook hands with him… He told Zhou Dedong his dream. Zhou Dedong, who specializes in horror stories, smiled and said: “This story is too ordinary, not terrible, not terrible.” < br/>These are just imaginations. Zhang Gu could not wake up again.
This is the reality: the baby boy appears again!
This is the reality: Zhou Dedong, who is not afraid of ghosts, is in Beijing, and, hearing that he never dared to write horror stories at night, it seems that he can’t borrow a little spiritual power from him…
Zhang Gu suddenly felt like crying.
His heart flickered when he remembered the old lady in the dream–yes, he never understood how three minus one equals several. 22. Another one?
Zhang Gu is Zhang Gu. His peaked cap, sunglasses, pipe, and civilization stick are not decorations.
Although he was scared and decadent, he did not collapse or give up. He painfully analyzed and reasoned. He struggled to resolve the suspense.
Now, he decides to go find the baby boy who shows off.
He still has to figure out the arithmetic problem of three minus one equals several. From a certain perspective, this is a most mysterious problem that human beings will never understand.
Zhang Gu took leave and went to Taiping Town again.
In the car, he looked like a mute, without a word, his eyes thief observing everyone around him. Next to him was a woman who held a baby, who was crying all the time.
He arrived in Taiping Town and settled into the hotel where he had stayed last time.
He asked the boss about the busker with a scar on his face, the boss said: “He has left here long ago.”
Zhang Gu: “Don’t come back again?”
Boss: “No.”
Zhang Gu is silly. Three minus one equals several, and there will never be an answer. He was not reconciled and asked, “Is there any news about them?” The boss thought about it and said, “There is a rice vendor who travels from south to north and often lives with me. He said that he was in a pretty I saw a person far away, with a scar on his face, which looks very similar to the entertainer. However, he sells rat poison and there are no babies around him.” Zhang Gu was even more puzzled. He then asked: “You think about it, where did the rice vendor have seen the man with a scar on his face?” The boss scratched his head for a long time and said, “Yes… Fangzheng County.” “
That night, Zhang Gu seemed to hear the dog barking again, and it was very alarmed and very urgent. However, no one in this world can understand what it is saying.
Fangzheng County is further away from Taiping Town. However, the next day, Zhang Gu bought a ticket without hesitation and proceeded to Fangzheng County.
After a long journey, he finally reached the strange county.
Getting out of the car, he didn’t care about fatigue, looking everywhere for the man who sold rat poison.
Someone told him that there was a rat poison in front of the third department store, but there was no scar on his face.
Zhang Gu decided to check it out.
After seeing the sign of the third department store from afar, his footsteps slowed down and his heart began to throb.
He really saw the man who sold rat poison.
It’s him! It’s him! ——Even at the end of the world, Zhang Gu can recognize his appearance.
Zhang Gu quickly hides behind a corner, observing him while thinking of what to do next. Finally, he straightened his spine and walked straight away.
The man seemed to know his whereabouts, he calmly watched Zhang Gu approaching.
Zhang Gu found that he really didn’t have scars on his face, and his eyes were not fierce at all, he was very kind, just like changing a person.
Zhang Gu squatted in front of him and asked, “What about that baby boy?”
People selling rat poison seemed inexplicable: “What baby boy?” Zhang Gu thought for a while, Say: “That’s the baby boy who can sing. I know he is not your child.” The person who sells rat poison smiles: “I don’t know what you are talking about. Do you buy rat poison?” < br/>Zhou Gu: “Don’t pretend. Where did he go?” The person who sells rat poison said affirmatively: “You must be the wrong person.”
Zhang Gu has a better tone than him More certain: “I won’t admit mistakes.”
The person who sells rat poison is a little annoyed: “What the hell is going on with you? Your child is lost, so go and ask someone for a message. You ask me what I am doing. “” Zhang Gu stared at his face, judging whether he was real or not. Finally, he said lightly: “We both understand.”