Before going to school, it was very simple. When I first arrived at a school, students would come up with various methods so that everyone could quickly remember each other’s names so as to increase their feelings.
There were a total of six people in our dormitory at that time, namely Liu Yan, Guoying, Baozhi, Yufeng, Ning Mei, and Zhang Xia. After consultation, we chose the oldest one-the name modification method, the so-called name modification The law is to try to pack everyone’s name as close as possible. Guoying suggested that it should be like the Hong Kong people, called Aying, and Ayan listened well, but a few of them did not agree with Baozhi, saying they were too vulgar, and then they came to discuss and discuss. In the end, Yu Feng said that it is not necessary to add a sub-word to the last word of each person’s name, so that it is like a Japanese name, and it is fashionable. Everyone agrees well, but it must be adapted first.
The first to call Yanzi and Yingzi really felt very kind, but when we got to Baozhi, there was a problem. Zhizi, the branch we called a few times, it was too confusing, and it was hard to change into Baozi. The writing became a bun and a newspaper, and then Yu Feng, and no one called Feng Zi. They were all called by lunatics and lunatics. They laughed while calling, and Yu Feng laughed. They didn’t expect their idea to entangle themselves. , I also hugged my stomach and smiled, and finally remembered that my name is not good, Zhang Xia, Xia Zi, such a good name let this group of dead guys call, aren’t they called blind, I hugged my belly They ran out, but unfortunately they were caught by them.
The last one is Ningmei. We all admire her. I think that the parents of other people will really name it. Meizi. This name is so good and poetic. Not to mention, it really looks like a Japanese. At this time, Yu Feng said: “Since you imagine Japanese, let’s change Meizi’s four-word name. Add two characters in the middle of Meizi, and then it will be authentic.” We all said yes. Everyone thought for a long time and had no good idea. In the end, Yufeng had a good culture. He said that Meizi is from Sichuan. The second character used Sichuan, and the guy Ningmei was usually very cool. The third character used cool. , So that Ningmei’s Japanese name is up, and finally the four characters of Meichuan Kuozi are written on paper for everyone to read. We didn’t realize anything in the first two readings, but when we read it, we lay down with laughter. When he couldn’t get up in bed, Ning Mei chased Yufeng to fight. It turned out that Yufeng really wanted us to read not Meichuan Kuozi but to wear no pants.