Well, this is what my mom said. My mother’s sister, what happened to my aunt…

Aunt, she married a wealthy husband and had a great time every day. She often climbed mountains and was always healthy.

Sometimes ago, Mo Ming grew a tumor on the back of her hand. I didn’t care much. Later, because of the pain, she went to Chang Geng to see the doctor. The doctor said she was For benign tumors, just remove them with an operation, no big deal. Who knows, just two weeks after the operation, the tumor came out again…! Even the doctor couldn’t explain why.

Later, when she went to Qigong, her master suddenly looked at her and asked her: Did you go to a certain place to sweep the tomb in a certain month of the year? My aunt was startled and wanted to say how could he know? The master grabbed her wrist and looked at her frown, saying: You brought people back! ! Wow! What do you mean? ? When I asked carefully, it turned out that when I went to sweep that day, the aunt passed by the lady’s tomb and didn’t know what was kicked, and the female ghost came back with her, that is, after that time, the back of her hand began to grow. Nodular.

Mom said: No wonder every time I go to your aunt’s house and sit back, my head is dizzy…

I said: Wow! The aunt would not dare to be alone at home, think about it, sitting alone in front of the mirror, looking at the 〃〃 in the mirror, I don’t know what to say… Ha ha! This is just what I heard.

Auntie, because she was afraid that others would respect her, she only told my mother about it, even her husband and children kept it secret. My mother only told me about it, and I only told about it. Let me tell you…

Now, the tumor on the back of my aunt’s hand has been urgently notified by the doctor to be operated. Asked why this is so, the doctor only said indecently: it is probably a relationship of physique… but the aunt felt that the back of the other hand seemed to have a raised feeling…

Hopefully God bless her.