How stool is produced and formed

Everyone has toxins more or less in their bodies. If these toxins stay in the body for a long time, they will gradually affect their health. To this end, people must expel toxins from the body. There are many ways to discharge toxins, the common ones are sweating, urination, and defecation. Many people want to know, how is stool produced and formed?

When people’s intestinal system absorbs nutrients and water from the food residue, the remaining food residue will be excreted by the body, which forms feces. In fact, after the human body consumes food, the stomach will initially digest the food, and then discharge the food residue into the small intestine, and the small intestine will absorb a nutrient such as protein and fat in the remaining food.

After the food residue enters the large intestine again, the large intestine will further absorb the water in the food and shape the stool. It can be said that the process of shaping the stool is carried out in the large intestine. Then the colon will squeeze and condense the stool, and then it will really form the stool that everyone sees. Stool may also contain some undigested food residues and bacteria in the intestinal tract.

Therefore, when checking for gastrointestinal diseases, people need to check and analyze their feces in addition to related tests. Through routine stool examination, we can understand whether people have organic diseases in their intestines, and at the same time can judge the digestion and absorption capacity of their intestinal system. If people’s feces are sparse like water and yellow and smelly, it means that their intestines are unhealthy and they should go to the hospital for examination and treatment as soon as possible.