“Fear of water far away, and ghosts near.”

This makes sense! It is talking about people from afar wading in a river. They don’t know the depth of the water, so they feel a sense of fear. Local people are familiar with the geographical environment, know the depth of the water, know where to wade, and where not to. So, I am not afraid of things like crossing the river. However, people close by often know what trembling things have happened in a certain place at a certain time, and are afraid of ghosts and evil spirits because of knowing it, while people in the distance are unaware of many fears in this respect.

When we were in elementary school, a group of our children were very afraid of killing the dog bridge. They dared not cross the bridge alone at noon when there were few people. Passing here at night was even more creepy and shuddering. Because we have heard that an unbelievable strange thing happened here long ago.

There is a river in our place called Wushui, and there is a small village called Zaolin Guo to the south of Wushui. Why is it called Zaolin Guo? At that time, most of the villagers were named Guo because of the many jujube trees planted in the village.

In Zaolinguo Village, a family wanted to build a house, so they hired a carpenter from Hebei Bank to do the work.

In the past, small families wanted to build a house, which was a big deal and needed years of financial preparation. Wait until the money and belongings are ready to stop before you invite carpenters and plasterers. In order to allow the craftsmen to work hard, the people who built the house are naturally very polite to the craftsmen they invited. If they don’t eat or drink, they also deliberately prepare meals for the craftsmen. Our people call entertaining craftsmen to eat and drink. “

The man who built the house wanted to “treat guests”, so he went to the town to cut some meat and buy some vegetables. At that time, there were no such things as refrigerators and freezers. In order to avoid trips to the town, the meat I bought was cooked in brine, which would last two more days. In order to prevent chickens, dogs or children from stealing these precious things, they put them in a bamboo basket, tied a rope to the roof beam, and tied a hook to the rope. The adults in the family raised the basket with their hands and feet. Hang up high.

One day, this carpenter from Wuhebei was working, and he heard the child’s daughter-in-law being beaten and crying.

What is a child bride? A child bride is the future daughter-in-law who has been raised at home since childhood. In the past, it took a lot of money to get married. A poor family has a son. It is expected that when the son grows up, it will be very difficult to marry a daughter-in-law. Whenever someone flees to beg for food or suffers from natural disasters and man-made disasters, the family is ruined and cannot support the girl, the girl is taken into his own home to raise the son. When you grow up, you can “complete the house.” Generally speaking, the life of the child bride-in-law is very difficult, and the child bride-in-law’s life is even more bitter!

“I told you to steal meat! I told you to steal meat!” The mother-in-law’s scolding was mixed with the sound of “pat! Pat!” slapped!

“It’s not me, I don’t!” This is the cry of the child’s daughter-in-law with a yellow hair.

“You talk about how the meat basket is hanging from the beam? It’s not who you stole it! You still have a hard mouth! I will hit you as greedy!”

“Oh, who’s child is really a guilty child to be the Tong-Yang-in-law!” When the carpenter heard this slap in the face and the Tong-Yang-in-law’s miserable cry, his heart was stabbed. But what can you do as a craftsman hired by someone else? You can only watch and listen.

For several days, the young daughter-in-law of this family was beaten for losing meat at home.

One day after lunch, the carpenter wants to take a break. Our place is called “Xieshan.” The weather is hot, and the people who work hard pull a straw mat and spread it out in a cool place. Lie down.

After the carpenter lay down on his side, squinting his eyes, he was in a sleepy dim room, but was stunned by the sight in front of him:

I saw the big yellow dog in this family came to the house with a meat basket hanging on the beam, got under a small table, pushed the small table little by little with its head under the bamboo basket with meat, and then drilled He came out and jumped onto the small table, raised his front legs and grabbed the meat basket to grab a piece of meat. After eating, he moved the small table to its original place using the above method.

The carpenter was so frightened that he couldn’t scream or scream. He never thought that the dog would put the small table under the bamboo basket, and even after stealing the meat, he knew to move the small table back to its original place to eliminate the traces left on the scene.

Actually, these years old dogs have become perfect.

The next day when the mother-in-law beat the child bride-in-law for losing the meat, the carpenter said that the dog had ate the meat, and suggested that it would be fine to move the small table out of the house. Up.

When the carpenter said to the mother-in-law, the dog looked at the carpenter viciously. The carpenter didn’t notice this, and he didn’t expect that the dog could still understand people.

After removing the small table in the house, indeed, there has been no meat loss, and the child bride-in-law also received a lot of beatings.

The carpenter’s work is almost done.

When the carpenter was lying on the straw mat at noon one day, the old yellow dog came down next to the carpenter, straightened his hind legs and front paws, as if he was going to be longer than the carpenter. . The carpenter saw the beast’s behavior and didn’t think much.

The carpenter finishes work very late, and when he returns to his home after dinner, the night is already low and the sky is full of stars and moon.

The carpenters in our area usually bring two things when walking at night. One is a painted ruler and the other is adze. People may not have seen such a thing now, just press a wooden handle that can be picked up on a sharp shovel, Used to cleave and shovel the bark and unnecessary parts on the wood, the operation is like lifting a pick to dig the ground. Carpenters often carry these two things on the road at night. It is said: It is said that the painted ruler can protect against evil spirits and deal with ghosts and feminine objects. The sharp sharpness can be used for self-defense like a weapon.

The carpenter, who has worked for a day, hurriedly walked on his way home.

In the past days when the sun was rising and the day was rested, the villagers even had to save oil for lighting lamps. After dark, people were used to going to bed. At this time, there are very few pedestrians on the road.

The carpenter’s way home is through Wushui, which has a stone arch bridge. It is said that this bridge was donated by a Wuju man named Li in Huangzhuang, and the name of the martial arts was passed down from generations to generations because of the benefits from the north and the south.

When the carpenter approached the stone arch bridge, the moonlight was suddenly obscured by a cloud of black clouds. In the dimness, a vicious dog brought a cold wind, silently, without biting or crying. When he came, the carpenter was startled in a cold sweat, and he instinctively flashed back, only to hear a “chik”, the front of his clothes had been cut open by the claws of the evil dog. When the front paws of the vicious dog fell, the carpenter had already held the adze that was on his shoulders in his hand. When the vicious dog was about to pounce again, he was chopped on the head by the carpenter, and the vicious dog fell silently to the ground. The carpenter did not fear that the vicious dog would not die, and after a few more adzes, the vicious dog cried out for his life.

This happened in an instant. The vicious dog didn’t bite, from being injured to death. People often say: “Dogs that don’t bark bite the most.” .

At this time, the black clouds just receded, and Yuehua reappeared in light. The carpenter looked down and saw that the vicious dog was the old yellow dog who built the house, and he couldn’t help being surprised. Looking around, I saw a pit as long as one person dug out by the beast on the roadside of the bridge. Obviously, this pit was not dug by humans. Judging from the dirt, it was clearly made by this vicious dog with his claws. The carpenter was shocked again. At this time, he thought of the old yellow dog spreading his legs beside him when he was resting at noon. He was measuring his length in order to dig a hole, and then he was pulled into the hole after he was bitten to death. Buried.

“The pit you dug will bury you!” The carpenter muttered to himself and pushed the dog into the pit.

The carpenter returned home and suffered a fright.

The people in Murakami asked each other, and the carpenter said about the dog at the bridge. People are amazed. So one pass ten, ten pass a hundred, and within a few days people from far and near ten miles and eight villages learned about it. There are also good people who made a special trip to Shiqiao Qiaotou to inspect, and it turned out to be unexpected.

Some old people said that this dog is no longer an ordinary dog, and that the dog is mature! The reasons are: First, it is not a dog essence, it will not put the table under the bamboo basket and jump up to eat meat; second, it is not a dog essence, it will not eat meat and move the small table back to its original place; third, it is not a dog essence. I don’t understand how carpenters give Tong Yang a wifeWhat the mother said; fourth, it is not a dog spirit, it will not measure the carpenter’s length first, plan to dig a hole and kill the carpenter and then bury it in the hole. …So the dog’s spirit spread like wildfire, and some people stomped to the world and swore that they had seen a dog squatting on the bridge in the middle of the night, with two eyes like two red lanterns!

I don’t know who has called this stone bridge from then on to kill the dog bridge.

Dog Chengjing said that modern people will not believe it, but people will believe the weird behavior of dogs.

Humans are evolving, will animals also evolve?

Has the study of humans on animals exhausted everything?

Can animals understand human society and human emotions?

Will animals take revenge?

I don’t know, I really don’t know!