Idol worship by fans is an experience that almost every young person has experienced, but has anyone ever thought that the degree to which a fan spoils an idol can reach the point of life and death, even after death?

When I was in middle school, I had a related abnormal experience. One hundred after death, for those who are obsessed, it may not be relief.

That night was a Friday. Since I didn’t have to go to school the next day, I deliberately played a little later at my classmate’s house. By the time I left, it was already around ten in the evening. The sky was very good, and when I arrived at the elevator lobby downstairs in my home to wait for the elevator, I felt a little bit of chill.

After the elevator arrived, I quickly entered. When I reached the floor of my house, when I got out of the elevator, I heard a vaguely crying woman. The crying and lamentation caught my attention.

When I listened carefully, the cry seemed to be coming from the stairs next to me, so I walked over to see what happened. But in the dim light, there was nothing, only a few gleams like fireflies.

The second night, because it was Saturday, I went home a bit late. At about 11 o’clock in the evening, when I stepped into the elevator lobby on the floor where I lived, I heard the cry again. When I walked to the stairs, I saw a little girl sitting on the stairs.

The girl took a photo and looked at it blankly. I walked up curiously, and the photo turned out to be a female singer. I asked her why she didn’t go home so late, and she said, “I can’t go back home.” It turned out that her parents had always been dissatisfied with her indulging in idol worship. She was kicked out of the house because of a dispute with her father.

Besides, she actually said that she is not a human being! I was panicked at first, but seeing that she was innocent, I continued to talk to her.

She said that her parents were too strict, and she even secretly lost pictures of her idols many times. She jumped off the building and died after she died. Only after her death did she regret it, but it was too late. After that, “she” turned into a plume of smoke and disappeared.

After this time, I never saw the girl’s ghost again, and never heard the weird cry again. Although that experience was a bit scary, it gave me some inspiration.

A few days later, I brought this up to my neighbor. Some people said that about two years ago, there was indeed a girl who had a big quarrel with her parents because of idol worship, and she finally committed suicide. Died.

It is not a bad thing to worship idols as a spiritual sustenance, but don’t be overly addicted.

The author is also an idol worshiper, but idols and fans always live in different circles, so you can’t be fully involved in wishful thinking. After all, beautiful images are just a way to attract fans, not real.