Problem description: 9.5 Morning varicella and polio vaccine. I started taking Merlin at 21:39 degrees at 18:00. A total of 5 times so far. The highest temperature during the period was 39.8. The examination is as follows. The two doctors have different opinions about whether it is a bacterial infection or a virus. What should I do? Do you need to be hospitalized?
Question date:2020-09-07
Patient information:Age: November Gender: Female
Problem analysis: Hello, according to the inspection result, it is considered to be a bacterial infection. Check blood routine regularly.
Guide and suggestion: Pay more attention to your body temperature, drink more hot water, and sweat, which will help reduce the fever. If the fever does not go away, you can use intravenous infusion treatment.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection