Problem description:Peach kernel 10g Angelica 10g Red peony root 10g Mulberry sticks 10g Bamboo joints 15g Corydalis 15g Pueraria lobata 15g Coix seed 15g Jianqu 15g Sargentodoxa cuneata 20g red Flower 5g Rehmannia glutinosa 10g Chuanxiong 10g Tougucao 15g Dilong 10g Shan Zhuan 10g Hawthorn 10g Wumei 10g Yam 15g Licorice 3g Decoction, take 400ml, once in the morning and evening, decoction, please ask What kind of disease is this treatment? A prescription given by a friend.
Question date:2020-09-07
Patient information:Age: 52 years old Gender: Female
Question analysis: Hello, according to the description, the prescriptions used mainly have the effects of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, dredging the meridians and removing dampness.
Guide and suggestion: It is helpful for the symptoms of abnormal menstruation, lower abdomen bulging pain, fatigue and other symptoms caused by blocked meridians.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection