Problem description: There is a long thigh root. Baidu checked it and it was a wart. The small fleshy lump that grew before was not painful or itchy. I checked it on the Internet and I didn’t care about it. In the past few days, I have somehow become bigger and swollen. It doesn’t hurt just to touch the extra piece of meat, but it hurts where it connects to the leg. At the same time, the piece of meat does not know whether it is worn out by itself or it has scabs. But it doesn’t hurt, that is, the flesh connected to the thighs hurts. I want to know what the problem is. Is it anxious to go to the hospital for treatment? Is it a serious illness? Will it be life-threatening in the future?
Question date:2020-09-09
Patient information:Age: 20 years old Gender: Female
Problem analysis: According to the information you provided, consider that your situation is caused by polyps.
Guiding suggestions: I suggest you go to the hospital for laser removal, and you should eat less at ordinary times. Spicy, irritating and oily foods
Suggestions are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection