Problem description: Male, 39, had a history of masturbation for many years when he was young, and had insufficient erectile hardness in the last two years. The hardness of the erection was not bad at the beginning, but it decreased after a while, and the insertion time during sex was very short. Just ejaculation, there is little or no pleasure in ejaculation, how to treat it
Problem date: 2020-09-09
Patient information: Age: 39 years old Gender: Male
Problem analysis: There are many causes of premature ejaculation, such as masturbation or excessive indulgence, which causes excessive excitement and failure of nerves, and organic factors such as urethritis, prostatitis, etc., and smoking , Alcoholism and psychological factors can also cause premature ejaculation. It is recommended to quit masturbation. Drugs can choose Dapoxetine, Liuwei Dihuang Pills, Jing Suo Gu Jing Pills and so on. In terms of diet, you can eat more foods such as beef, lamb, and leeks. Participate in physical exercises to improve blood circulation and help penile erection. Patients with urethritis and prostatitis are recommended to go to the hospital for medical treatment.
Guiding suggestions: Get rid of masturbation and ensure a regular schedule of work and rest. Pay attention to diet and nutrition, and you can recover slowly.
Suggestions are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination