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The front line | “Headline search” is really coming, the war with Baidu is completely started

Bytes are robbing Baidu’s cash flow (advertiser budget), but only robbing Tencent’s traffic and user duration (brushing the headlines instead of WeChat friends circle public number) The headline search is just a prelude. A few days ago, it was learned that the headline general search engine has been quietly launched. The URL is The slogan of the headline search is “search for what you want to search for”, while.. Read More

The applet can be opened on the PC side, so that you will not be interrupted when you work.

The computer version of WeChat is actually a lightweight enterprise office software. Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Know the program” (ID: zxcx0101 ), author Liu Lingge, Jiang Hongchang. On August 9th, the program found that WeChat began testing the new ability of “PC side support to open small programs”. Users don’t have to worry about the phone when they receive a small program on their computer… Read More

Frontline | Luxury e-commerce Farfetch acquires the tide brand Off-White parent company, the stock price rags 40%

Luxury is weak, the rise of the tide brand, it is reasonable to take advantage of it According to the Fashion Network report, on August 9th, Farfetch, a well-known luxury e-commerce platform from the UK, announced a $675 million acquisition of Off- WhiteTM’s parent company, the Italian luxury goods company New Guards Group. Half of the purchase price is paid in cash and half is paid in the form of.. Read More

“Shanghai Fortress” 360 million cost, produced Fang Huashi entertainment secondary IPO suspended

The “Shanghai Fortress”, known as the “Wandering Earth”, was controversial on the first day of the show. Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Entertainment Business Watch” (ID: Wenyushangyeguancha), author of duckweed. The “Shanghai Fortress”, known as the “Wandering Earth”, was controversial on the first day of the show. After August 9th, Douban scored 3.9 points, and then all the way down. Until the commercial business observation on.. Read More

Huawei Hongmeng got on the bus, how much is the imagination about the Internet of Vehicles?

Huawei is expected to create a new mobile Internet ecosystem Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Xinzhi Driving” (ID: AI-Drive), author An Qi. Not yet born in the rivers and lakes, but the rivers and lakes are your legend.   This sentence is used to describe Huawei’s Hongmeng OS. So in the eyes of everyone, the Huawei Hongmeng system finally unveiled. On August 9th, Huawei’s consumer business.. Read More

Why is Sohu not privatized?

Zhang Chaoyang does not regret it. Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “letter list” (ID:wujicaijing ), author Tan Yuhan. Investors ran? Seeing the trajectory of Sohu’s stock price one hour after the opening on August 5, Zhang Chaoyang was a little surprised. This does not meet his expectations. Just announced the financial report, Sohu’s second-quarter loss-making results are good, Zhang Chaoyang thought that the outside world would.. Read More

In-depth information | New report: shared umbrella has not fallen, it may be a 30 billion market

In the shared umbrella industry, the competition for scenes is equivalent to the competition for channels and scales. The scale of location is the core of enterprise competition. Text | Daily Business Selection New report: The shared umbrella has not fallen, it may be a 30 billion market Sharing umbrellas is expected to reach a market size of 30 billion in the future. The Whale Institute of Standards has recently.. Read More

How is the fellow chicken made?

Continuously improve and expand to 24 books. Now, the company will spend a month each year to revise these manuals. In August 2019, Shu from Xuan took out a thick handbook, one by one, and one by one. He said yes, I have shown you both the family and the secret. He quickly said that for many imitators, you give him these manuals, and how to implement them is another.. Read More

Focus analysis, Suning store “expanded”

The Suning store is still accelerating the staking, but the market seems to have been unable to understand it. Suning then sacrificed the acquisition of the flag. After Wanda Department Store and Carrefour China, the OK convenience store was packaged by Suning. The main body of the acquisition is Suning Xiaodian. After the equity transfer agreement with Fengshi Retail, more than 60 OK convenience stores in the Guangzhou area operated.. Read More