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Can you drink fish soup for a cold?

After Liqiu, the temperature difference between morning and evening will gradually increase, and you may get a cold easily if you are not careful. Now the prices are very expensive, especially the price of meat, many people say that they can’t afford it. Therefore, there may be more fish and shrimp and other seafood on the table, so can we eat fish soup when we have a cold? 1. Try.. Read More

Headache, fever, vomiting, can you eat fruit

When a person has a fever, he always wants to hurry up, so he eats fruit desperately, because he thinks the fruit is rich in nutrients, and eating more may be good for the disease. But is the fruit so easy to use? Can I eat fruit if I have a headache and have vomiting? 1. Go to the hospital to check the condition first. When we have a fever,.. Read More

What is the effect of long-term different rooms on men

< / p> We know that men will have physiological needs in adulthood, which is also a normal release. But for those who are single men or who have been separated from their girlfriends for a long time, what will be the impact on men if they stay in different rooms for a long time? 1, immunity will be reduced. Many people may find this unlikely. How can different rooms.. Read More

Can you eat loach after drinking milk?

Milk is essential for breakfast for many people. It is simple and convenient and has high calcium content and rich nutrition, so it is loved by many people. However, we also know that there are still many things that can not be eaten after drinking milk, which is easy to cause discomfort or affect the absorption of milk calcium. So some friends may not know clearly, can you eat loach.. Read More

What happens to lice

In the past, many families did not pay much attention to family and personal hygiene because of economic pressure, and many lice will appear on their bodies, causing itching and even appearance. Inflammation. Now, with the continuous improvement of life, lice have been rare, but sometimes there will be even if you don’t pay attention, then under what circumstances will lice be born? 1. Pets at home do not pay.. Read More

How to eliminate airplane tinnitus

There are many people in life who are not able to fly, because the aircraft needs to fly at high altitude, but many people have problems with tinnitus. Comfortable symptoms may be life-threatening in severe cases, so how to eliminate airplane tinnitus? Aircraft tinnitus is mainly caused by the organ function in the ear caused by air pressure. There are two ways to eliminate aircraft tinnitus. The first method is.. Read More

Can the river mussel in the pond be eaten

< / p> Many people especially like to eat some seafood or fresh seafood. Most of the fresh seafood or seafood on the market are harvested from small rivers or the sea, but there are many people You will find that there are also some aquatic products in the pond, so can the river mussels in the pond be eaten? River mussels are a very delicious food. In addition to.. Read More

Can the seeds in the passion fruit be eaten

< / p> Passion fruit is a fruit that many girls like very much, because it is rich in vitamins and has a unique taste, sweet and sour. There are many ways to eat passion fruit. Most people drink passion fruit in water. Girls who especially like to eat passion fruit will put some sugar or honey in the passion fruit and eat it directly. So, can the seeds in.. Read More

Can the apple be eaten after freezing?

Many people have heard: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away from me.” In daily life, apple is a very common fruit. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. It has a sweet and delicious taste and is popular with people. Can apples be eaten after freezing? Frozen apples can be eaten, but frozen apples are not recommended. The summer weather is too hot, most people want.. Read More