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Why do you want to vomit after eating

A lot of people will have some physical problems, and sometimes it is not obvious, everyone will not pay special attention, but if the time is long, it will cause some harm to the body For example, many people will find that their stomach is upset after eating, and they may also vomit, so why would they want to vomit after eating? Many people will find that they feel vomiting.. Read More

Can you eat bananas before bed

Bananas are common in people ’s homes, and many people like bananas. Bananas are sweet and nutritious. In particular, some people like to eat one or two bananas before going to bed, which is believed to help promote sleep. Can you eat bananas before going to bed? Eatable, there are many banana magnesium elements, which are helpful for muscle relaxation and have a good effect on anxiety disorder before bedtime… Read More

Why can’t I sleep in a soft bed

Soft bed mainly refers to the softer mattress, which is very comfortable for sleeping. Many people like to sleep on a soft bed. Compared with hard beds, soft beds sleep comfortably, but more and more people realize that they cannot sleep on soft beds, but many people do not know whether they can sleep on soft beds. So why can’t you sleep in a soft bed? First of all, you.. Read More

Can normal people eat folic acid

Folic acid, many people know that this is mainly for pregnant women or women who are planning to become pregnant. If women do not finish the folic acid, it is a pity that the remaining folic acid is thrown away. At this time, whether these folic acids are given to normal people, many people want to know. So, can normal people eat folic acid? First of all, folic acid is.. Read More

Can a woman eat beef

Daily beef is a relatively common meat, but for this kind of meat, many women may not be sure whether it is good for women ’s health. Therefore, in daily life, we dare not eat too much beef, fearing that it will cause weight gain, or may have some impact on the body. So, can a woman eat beef? First of all, in daily life, women can eat beef. Properly.. Read More

Can you eat cod?

Many parents have heard that codfish is rich in dha, which is especially suitable for babies. But I also heard that many of the codfish are fake now, or they are good enough. In this way, many parents dare not eat cod for their babies. So, can codfish be eaten? First of all, codfish actually refers to naked capped fish, which can also become blue cod or black cod. Of.. Read More

What to eat for blood

Women are most susceptible to ischemia. After each menstruation, some women will have dizziness and physical weakness. Women like this need to eat some blood-enriching food. During pregnancy, anemia is also prone to occur and active blood supplementation is also required. What should I eat for blood? There are foods and nutrients for blood supplements, how to supplement? Blood Enrichment You can eat blood-enriching nutrients directly, or you can eat.. Read More

How can massage promote bowel movements

In life, some people have very serious constipation problems, which greatly affects their lives and work, and makes them feel upset and do things wrong. So people should take some measures to promote defecation and let the stomach move. So, some people want to know, how to massage the stomach can promote bowel movement? First, after washing your hands, use your fingertips to apply a little pressure, slowly and evenly.. Read More

Can you eat bananas

The persimmon taste is sweet and it is a fruit that many people like. Persimmons are not only delicious, but also have many benefits for the human body. They can remove heat from the body, eliminate toxins from the body, and can nourish the lungs, expel phlegm, and relieve cough and thirst. Bananas are a kind of tropical fruit and are full of nutrients. They are the fruits of many.. Read More