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Tesla uses tape, Xiaopeng to make a staple: the black hole in the manufacture of new cars

Stapler making a car? Editor’s note: This article is from “Future Car Daily” (WeChat public ID: auto-time), author: Carmen flights. Author | Ketchup Edit | Liang Chen Can staples also become parts of a car? On Xiaopeng car, yes. Under the representative car company of “Building New Forces” and the “My first smart car” is the Slogan’s Xiaopeng car, there are a number of staples for fixing soundproofing noise-reducing materials… Read More

Ruixing lost 680 million behind

What is a “strategic” loss that does not flicker? Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Box Finance” (ID :daxiongfan), author Yao Wei. As of this Friday, the US stock Q2 earnings season was basically disclosed. With Tencent, Vipshop, Betta, Ruixing Coffee, Jingdong, and Ali, the Q2 quarterly earnings report was released. The impact of the data continued: Tencent’s average monthly salary was 72,000, and Jingdong was profitable… Read More

SaaS company does PaaS: It’s amazing in the past, it will die if you don’t go.

No PaaS, no SaaS Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account“Zi Ziguangian” (ID: jazzyear), author Xiao Mu, edit match Q. In mid-2014, a “SaaS squad” organized by Jingwei Ventures came to Silicon Valley. They visited around and wanted to catch the secret of the success of American SaaS. The squad’s visit list includes Star SaaS companies such as Salesforce, Twilio, Taleo, Workday, and Box. Everywhere, Chinese learners always.. Read More

Behind the boom in biotechnology: the industry is facing an ups and downs, and local innovation is rising rapidly

The future trend of gene therapy into the clinic will not change. Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Northern Light Ventures” (ID :NorthernLightVC) Author Northern Light, authorized to reprint. “Now there is a bit of capital difficulty, or some industries are in the middle of not finding the North. But the investment in medical and health fields is still quite hot, and gene therapy, immunotherapy, and tumor.. Read More

B2B content marketing enters the era of diversity, 4 moves to unlock the potential value of WeChat operation

Last week, we made a micro-investigation on WeChat content marketing. The results of the data seem to be expected, but the embarrassment of WeChat content marketers has brought us a lot of touches. Today, the results of the survey and the data are behind. We explore the solution. Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Stewed Marketing” (ID: Luandunyingxiao) , author Gao Yan. Are you thinking that your.. Read More

How does the top technical team define the “product manager”?

It’s hard to be a product manager, but it’s also a rare experience. The Translation Bureau is a compilation team that focuses on technology, business, workplace, life and other fields, focusing on foreign new technologies, new ideas, and new trends. Editor’s note: The position of product manager has been very hot recently. But what is the product manager doing? What are the responsibilities? What kind of skills do you have?.. Read More

Chinese search engine past

In the river of this search engine, there are many sinkers. Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Ireland” (ID: iresearch21cn), author Ann. Recently, someone found that the headline search was quietly online. There was a sudden jump in the information flow and short video field. It was regarded as a powerful challenger by the market. The headline searched on the line. Many people turned their attention to.. Read More

Industrial Internet to the Northeast

What is Northeast? I. Reconstruction of Industrial Zone The northeast is wounded. In the late 1990s, state-owned enterprises launched drastic reforms, and one-quarter of the 30 million laid-off workers came from the Northeast. In the early 21st century, northeast state-owned enterprises accounted for more than two-thirds of the total economic output. Today, although this proportion has dropped to 50%, it is still higher than the national average of 30%. In.. Read More

Can Picasso be so hot? Joining Tmall New Media to create a popular art consumer link, the new literary revelation of “UCCA Ullens Center for Contemporary Art”

Art, business, fish and bear’s paw. “Picasso – the birth of a genius” is on display at the UCCA Ullens Center for Contemporary Art. Since its launch on June 15th, the exhibition has received nearly 200,000 visitors. The daily traffic volume peaked at nearly 6,000, and the microblog topic #毕加索大展# read more than 360 million. Amazing is not only the 103 Picasso flights to China, but also a series of.. Read More

Nightmare of e-cigarette: 6 days without oil spill devil challenge

Is there a smoke bomb that does not leak oil in this world? Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Superman Assessment” (ID: chaorencp), the author does not admire the super girl. E-cigarettes, half of them are exhausted, and half are leaked. For those who smoke electronic cigarettes, even the best e-cigarettes have a well-known pain point – oil spill (evaluation prior to click). Not only on the.. Read More