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I finally got rid of the “cut a knife” link, but you still can’t escape the “cover building” and the red envelope password.

Everyone wants to smash traffic on WeChat. Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Know the program” (ID: zxcx0101), author Jiang Hongchang. Recently, you may have rarely seen a link to “Cut a knife to help me accelerate” on WeChat. In the past, these links were all over the circle of friends, WeChat groups and private chats. It seems that everyone has become a green forest hero who.. Read More

How far is the distance from the “explosion” of technology and “eye tracking”?

Is it so floating now? Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Brain pole body” (ID: unity007), author Xiaohao. Authorized to reprint. Some people with common sense know that in the case of detoxification, physiological dependence is easy to get rid of, but heart addiction is difficult to remove. General detoxification agencies often refer only to the period of time for drug addicts to avoid drug exposure. Three.. Read More

Shanghai Securities Regulatory Bureau comprehensively investigates the “Private Equity” Pudong New Area

This article is from the public number:Economic Observer (ID: eeo-com-cn), author: Hong Xiaotang, from the title figure: vision China Currently, the regulatory authorities are conducting a comprehensive investigation of privately-registered areas. The Economic Observer Online reporter learned from the proximity of the supervisors that the Shanghai Securities Regulatory Commission of the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the Financial Work Bureau of the Pudong New Area are jointly working on a.. Read More

Chat password for “Interior Interview F4”

Do you want to chat with Lu Yu Xu Zhiyuan Ding Ding Zhang Jiang Sida? Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Internet Entertainment Watch” (ID: wldygc2016), author Su Su. “This is probably the best show Luyu has ever done.” In the recent documentary interview of Youku, “Yu Jian later”, Lu Yu changed the sense of distance from the past, lowered the “pose” and position, like a gentle.. Read More

Selling 55 cars in 1 second, 2000+ shopping guide transformation Taobao anchor, car advertising is changing?

As a kind of special consumer goods with high unit price, long decision-making period and high decision-making threshold, the automobile has also joined the brand group of live broadcast and short video sales, and has created many mature cases. Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Entertainment Capital Theory” (ID: yulezibenlun) , author Lavender Jia Yang. Authorized to reprint. Sell 55 cars in 1 second! On October 22nd,.. Read More

Didi’s unified service time; Alibaba’s Hong Kong listed financing target has shrunk by half

Good morning. It’s the weekend right now, let’s see what news the tiger sniffs have prepared for you today~ Before, the drip to limit the female ride time caused a hot discussion, and there was a new development last night: Drip change, unified service time @TechWeb[Drips and Windmills Adjust the service time, for all users are 5:00-20:00] On the evening of November 7th, the company officially released a long article,.. Read More

28-year-old Shanghai financial female hardcore anti-cancer 380 days

This article is from the public number:Gu Yu Lab – Tencent News (ID: guyulab)< span class = "text-remarks">, author: Yuan Lin, from the title figure: vision China In the past, efforts to build an instantWas destroyed. Lujiazui’s favorite takeaway, afternoon tea and colleague’s milk tea, the tea at 9:30 every night and the shirt that must be ironed are falling apart in an instant. She claimed to be a workaholic.. Read More

Every domestic mobile phone should learn how Apple treats privacy.

In early 2016, the FBI hoped that Apple would develop software to unlock a suspect’s iPhone. Syed Farook, a machine owner, killed 14 people in a terrorist attack in San Bernardino, Calif., a few weeks ago. Apple helps the FBI extract data from the suspect iCloud account, but some data is still not available. The FBI was unable to open the phone because it did not know the phone password… Read More